Chapter 4- Lost, Not Even Close to Being Found

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Lakai had been able to pull her friends off the road, the mutant panting as she finished dragging Sahara off the blacktop. The young hybrid folded her wings, collapsing in her spot to catch her breath. Her ears folded against her skull as she heard the bushes rustle, her eyes flying open. A feral growl tore it's way from her chest, the girl getting to her feet, wings flared, teeth bared as she got ready to defend herself and the pile of unconcious mutants that were her friends. Her puma tail snaked behind her, twitching as she folded her wings again, ears perking back up. It was just a butterfly.  All her instincts screamed to chase it. But Lakai was better than that. She unfurled her large wings, about twenty feet from wingtip to wingtip, giving her a giant 40 foot wingspan. Lakai had the largest wings of the group. Arabella had the second largest, at 30, then with Sahara, a 25. Last came Sakura and Liberty, both 20 feet. But with her bigger wings, came a whole bunch of tripping and running into things.  She shook out her feathers, yawning.  It looked as though the girls were going to be out for a while. Might as well take a nap. So, she did.



The force behind the voices woke the hybrid from her nap. She lifted her head from its former position, nestled in her hands, and glared

Whadda ya want eh?

Kai. Really. Where the hell are we.

I have no idea Arabella! Honest!

Kai sighed fitfully at her traveling companions.

All I know is that we came from that way

Arabella followed the motion, glaring back at Kai

Should we just follow the road then?


Oh hush Liberty. That's my line.


20 minutes later, the girls were utterly lost

I told you we should have gone a different way!

Shut up Sakura!  I know what I am doing

No you don't

OH MY GOD SHUT UP! I'm trying to read this sign you idiots!

Kai looked at the sign

How in hell did we get here?

Where are we?

Charleston, North Carolina.

Where were we before?

I believe somewhere in New York. Or maybe it was Maine.  I don't know.

Well this is just great.

And, thus, the adventure began.


(Hey there my lovelies! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. School's a butt, and having a 24/7 Internet carrier is not helping. I'll try to update this story more often, seeing as my friends will kill me if I don't.

Hope you have a nice day!


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