Chapter 3: Outside

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Lakai was content. Her wings sprawled around her back, tail swishing. Her eyes were closed as she listened to the drumming of the waterfall next to her. Before she perked her ears and gave a growl.

"Kai. It's just me" Louis's voice came from the side of the waterfall. Kai tilted her head

"What's up? You don't sound like your chipper self" The hybrid had become extremely adept at conversing with the British lad, adapting to the strange terminology and accent. They could understand each other much better now. Louis gave her a forced smile.

"Nothing Kai....Call your friends, we are going out."

"Out where?"

"Isn't it obvious?  We are going outside!"

Kai blinked at the blinding white sunlight that seemed to burn the ground. Everyone was here, watching the hybrids take their first steps outside. Sadly, they knew that they were going to get caught soon. Liberty gave a shriek of happiness, bounding off, wings flapping as the others streamed off. Kai rose, feathers swirling around her. Her ears perked as a faint whoosh whizzed by her ear. She shrieked in apparent agony, and fell back onto the ground, pretending to have fainted. She knew that the others were on the ground as well.

"That oughta hold em till we get to the other lab." The men joked. The girls were loaded into a large van, tossed carelessly into the back. Kai hit the far wall hard. Her vision faded to darkness....

She woke with a gasp a few hours later. She didn't recognize the surrounding countryside. Lakai gulped, wrapping her wings around her. Then, she sprang at the door, roaring. A few swift hits later, she ripped a hole in the metal, dragging the other girls with her as she landed, rolling, onto the middle of a dusty highway to nowhere.

"Welp....We're screwed"

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