Chapter 1:Meeting

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3779 lay in her enclosure, giving a puff of air from her nostrils.  Her ears were laid back in irritation and her wings fluttered every few seconds. Her head lifted, amber eyes glancing around.  6994 was laying in the trees. Her body lay across the branch, doberman ears pricked and ready.  Her puma tail twitched, showing that she was, in fact, awake. 6994's red and black patterned wings lay across her back. 3779 looked at her own tawny wings, the feathers featuring a golden and white pattern intermixed. Her glossy brown and black hair fell off her face, wild and untaimed. The rest of her friends were scattered about. 7794(tiger/seagull/rottweiler) was near the waterfall, 5592 (cheetah/golden eagle/ Newfoundland) was lying in the trees, and 9942( ocelot/ raven/ golden retriever)  was somewhere. 3997 didn't care.  Her eyes were focused on the glass in front of her. Voices.  3997 growled, sharp jaguar teeth bared and tail twiching. Scientists. Her and her friends most hated of enemies.  No. Wait.  These voices were new. All of the girls flocked to the window, squawking and growling to see the new scientists. They could speak of course. But they liked to talk in their native languages, so the scientists could understand them Quit Pushing! 7792 growled irritably. No! growled 6994. OI! You two stop fighting! 3779 barks, attention snapping back to the boys slowly approaching their enclosure. 

"... and these are our most special projects. They have no names. They are called by their experiment numbers. That's 3997 with the light brown wings, 6994 with the red and black checkered wings, 7992 with the white wings,5592 with the golden wings, and finally 9942 with the jet black wings" The boys before them gawked at the mutants, who gave them blank stares. Then slowly, they all rose.

"Can't you talk? Cat got your tounge?" 3997 spoke up, voice laced with a thick county accent.

"Ohmygosh. What has she got in her?" 3997 leaped back, flapping her wings and yelping as one of the boys, brown hair, blue eyes, came bounding to the window, staring at her. 3997 growled, trembling.

"Louis! Calm down!" One of the other boys snapped. This one was tan, with a buzz cut.

"Well, to answer your question, 3997 has German Shepherd, Jaguar, and Hawk DNA"

"What about that one?" A blond boy spoke up, pointing at 7992.

"She has tiger, seagull, and rottweiler. "

"Cool" He breathed, staring at 7992.

"And before anyone else asks, I will answer for you. 6994 has panther, doberman pincher, and sparrow. 5592 has cheetah, golden eagle, and Newfoundland.  9942 has ocelot, raven and golden retriever.  Now let's go look at the color changing rabbits...." Their voices faded down the hall. All the girls blinked and lifted off as one, flying into a cave behind the waterfall.  It was where they slept. That was really weird 3997 barked, ears flicking. I don't know. I thought they were kinda cute 6994 chirped. Yeah they were 7992 squawked, earning a glare from 3997. Let's just go to sleep. I'm tired 9942 chirped, padding to her bed and curling up. The others slowly drifted after her, going to sleep. Little did they know that their lives were going to change.

Hello Lovelies! Hope you enjoy this new chapter. Also expect updates once or twice a day, depending on how much homework I have. School sucks.


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