Chapter 2: Names and Food

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3779 woke to voices. It was those boys again. Hey you guys! They are back! 3779 barked, flapping her wings.  They bounded  out and flew across the landscape, to the great suprise of the boys in front of them.

"How cool can this get?" The brown haired one said, blue eyes sparkling. Louis was it? 3779 wasn't quite sure. 

"Very cool if you don't hurt us like the others do" All of the girls spoke at once. 6994 had a thick British accent. 7749 had a semi-thick Irish accent. 5592 had a airy New York accent.  9942 had a heavy Bronx accent. They all goggled at the girls, who were now staring at them.

" We should give them names! I CALL 3997!!!" Louis said, nearly bouncing on the spot.

"I guess I will take 7749" The blond haired one said.

"I will take 6994!" The curly haired one said.

"I got 5592!" said the one with the tattoos.

"That leaves me with 9942"

"So what should we call them?"

"I think we should introduce ourselves. " Each of the boys went to their respective mutant, who were watching them curiously.

"I'm Louis!" 3997 blinked

"Yes I know. I heard your name yesterday" She said in her thick country accent. 

"I'm Niall" The blond one, Niall, was talking to 7749.

"Harry" Curly was talking to 6994

"Zayn" talking to 5592.

"I'm Liam. Sorry for just barging in on you girls" The tan one said to 9942.

"It's quite alright." 5592 said Names? 3779 chirped Yeah! You know! Like not numbers but letters! 7749 barked. Soon they were barking and growling and squawking. The boys just watched, confused but enjoying the display all the same. OI! STOP IT! DONT LET THE INSTINCTS CONTROL YOU! 6994 barked, wings flaring out beside her. She then turned to the boys

"Sorry about that."

"No no. It was cool" Louis was still staring at 3779, thinking about a cool name.  Oh. That one was cool.

"I know what to name her!" he announced.

"I've decided on a name too! Do you like Sahara? " 9942, now Sahara, nodded. I HAVE A NAME!! She howled and took flight , dancing through the air.

"What about for you...I know! Sakura! " 7794 smiled. She was now Sakura.  She took flight with Sahara.

"Liberty!" 5592 gave a squeal of delight and started flying with Sakura and Sahara.

"Arabella!" 6994 was then flying with Liberty, Sakura, and Sahara.  3997 perked her ears, looking at Louis

"Lakai! " Lakai flew off. Now the girls were giggling and flying, with new names. Arabella. Lakai. Liberty. Sakura.  Sahara. New names. New lives

Lakai landed next to one of the trees, yawning. She shook out her feathers, hearing her name being called. She smiled. Louis was taking good care of her. But then an unfamiliar smell wafted into her nostrils.  Her ears went back and she growled at the thing in Louis' s hand.

"Relax Kai. It's just a bit of deer." Lakai tilted her head and barked. Hey guys! Deer! She barked, the others, who were sleeping. Liberty bounded out first, followed by Sahara and Sakura.  Lastly came Arabella, always the deep sleeper. All of the boys filed into the enclosure. The girls where wolfing down the food, thinking it tasted better than anything else they had ever tasted. Kai was the first to lift her head from her meal. She licked her lips and disappeared into the fake forest. The other girls streamed after her.

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