Chapter 1: First Meet

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N = Nova

M = Mittens


M:  It was a warm summer evening in the kingdom of Mandoria, and King Mandoria himself was out at the edge of his kingdom with a hunting group. The king road on a large Shire horse, he needed such a big steed to keep his feathers off the ground and away from its hooves, feathers that coated the biggest wings in the winged community of countryhumans.

"Your Majesty, perhaps it's time to head back to the castle," a human hunter suggested, "it is getting late and we have found but a few rabbits and foxes."

"Patience my friend," the king called back, "the best game comes out at the soft rays of dusk, we will stay a few minutes more, and then we will return."

So the hunting party continued on their hunting trip, unaware of what else was in the woods other than their prey.

N:  Running away from some human guards, Saxon clutched his bloodied tunic as he outpaced them. He meandered through the forest as he slowly heard the shouts quieten. When he was sure he was safe, he stopped to inspect his injuries.

"I'm losing too much blood," he muttered to himself. He mentally scolded himself for using up too much energy but he knew it was worth it. Another country has an uprising on their hands, thanks to his handiwork.

Exhausted, He looked up to see the sun creeping toward the horizon. Deciding to find shelter in a nearby village, he staggered out into the open. As he limped, he failed to notice a band of people slowly moving in his direction.

M:  Mandoria raised his hand to stop his men, he heard rustling in the distance, he looked over to the noise and spotted a large buck. His eyes lit up, it was quite an impressive animal and the antlers were larger than its head, it would make for a great trophy.

The king waved for his party to wait in case it ran, and then he took hold of a bow and arrow he had. He was just about to raise it to shoot the buck when its head jolted up and looked in the opposite direction, then ran away, a few hunters charged after it but some stayed behind when Mandoria didn't move.

The king was looking at the area the deer was looking at previously, wondering what spooked it off, he eventually saw something moving towards a clearing in the woods, it looked human. The confused kingdom steered his horse in that direction, breaking out of the woodline just as the mystery person did, and that is when he saw it was not a human, but rather a country.

"Excuse me, dear sir," he called out authoritatively, "Thou are trespassing in the kingdom of Mandoria, what are thy intentions?"

N:   Limping into the clearing, Saxon noticed a large buck; however, when he stepped on a branch, it lifted his head and temporarily stared at him for a second before bolting. He was jealous of how quickly it traveled, contrasting with his slow walk and labored breathing.

He quickly spun around to face the direction of the voice, instinctively prepared for any attack. He did not expect to find a country sitting on a large horse accompanied by some humans. His eyes laid on his wings, fascinated at the sheer size of them. This must be the country Anglo constantly mentions, he thought, the King Wing. He quickly shook out of his trance and analyzed the situation he was in. Eyeing their bows and arrows, he realized how under-equipped he was so he decided to play it safe.

"Pardon me, my lord, I was not aware I was trespassing in thy land." He bowed in respect, something he learned from previous encounters with other countries he trespassed in. "I only came to find a lodging where someone weary like I may rest and heal, only to then depart without causing any trouble."

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