Chapter 8: Restless Night

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M:   Mandoria woke up quite early, even by his standards, it was still dark outside and the moon was still up.  He groaned as he buried his face back in his pillow, this was the third time he woke up tonight and he was growing frustrated.  He's been waking up so much because his fatherly instincts were supercharged from yesterday and he kept getting up to check on Mandara.  His youngest son had been asleep all those times and was more or less fine aside from typical cold symptoms.

Mandoria knew he shouldn't bother his children again since they too were becoming frustrated at being woken up, so instead, he got dressed and walked out to his balcony to go for a night flight, hoping it would calm his nerves a little.

N:   Saxon started to develop a cold so whenever he tried to sleep, his body would refuse to, and it got to a point when he just got out of bed. He decided he would get some warmth so he headed to the library, where the embers of the fireplace were still warm. He was about to sit down when he noticed a book on a nearby table, titled 'The History of the British Empire'. Out of interest, he picked up the book, sat down in front of the fireplace, and began to read.

It was a theme in the book to start the history from England, his son, and only briefly mentioning the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms before him. It made sense, he thought, as when England became the head of the country, the people were then considered to be English and no longer Germanic or Anglo-Saxon, but it still saddened him that it did not include the centuries of history before them.

He kept on reading until he noticed a shadow pass near the window, so Saxon stood up to check it out, and when he saw Mandoria in the sky he waved to try to get his attention.

M:   Mandoria didn't notice Saxon waving at him, the library was dark aside from the dim fireplace so the entity couldn't be distinguished from the dark window.  Mandoria was enjoying himself too much to notice anyway, it wasn't often that he would fly for fun, normally he would fly to travel around his kingdom faster or to give his kids flight lessons, so those rare chances for a leisurely flight were always enjoyable.

As the winged king gazed up at the moon he decided he was going to go up and touch it, so he stopped dead and shot straight up like an arrow. Higher and higher he climbed until one couldn't see the earth beneath the clouds, then he stopped flapping his wings altogether.  For the brief moment of weightlessness before gravity took hold of his body, Mandoria reached out and touched the moon's silver rays.

As the weightlessness dispersed and he began to fall Mandoria didn't open his wings, he loved the feel of free falling and savored the sense of danger from doing it, the adrenaline rush was like a drug to the king, he couldn't get enough of it.  He continued to fall until he was mere meters from the ground, at which point he spun around and flung his large wings out like a parachute, slowing his descent until his feet softly touched the ground.

N:   Saxon gave up on waving so he just watched Mandoria as he flew, wishing that he could also fly and be in the same state of freedom as him. While Mandoria fell, Saxon was tempted to go out and try to catch him if he didn't make it, but he had enough faith that he would catch himself before he hit the ground, which he did.

When Mandoria landed, he clapped in amazement and said, "even watching Anglo fly, it still amazes every time I see someone glide among the stars.

"Don't tell Anglo, he would get jealous," he then laughed.

M:   Mandoria jumped when he heard clapping, he turned to Saxon and laughed at his words, "I'm flattered but not nearly good enough to be jealous of, if you really want someone to swoon over then you should see Commonwealth, the tricks he can do with four wings can astonish winged and wingless alike."

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