Chapter 54: Day In

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M: "Bye," Mandara shouted after her, "safe travels." Derogan just waved.

They  all stayed until Celtica was out of sight then headed back inside,  Mandoria going back to his duties while everyone else went back to the  dining room with Edel. When they entered the dragon was pawing at  something black on the ground, which was hopping around to keep away  from the dragon's massive paws and claws.

"Silver Streak," Mandara shouted in surprise, he walked up to her, "Silver, where have you been, I haven't seen you in days."

When  he picked her up he saw that she was somehow tangled in metal wire and  some of her feathers were caked in dried blood, she was also very skinny  from her beak being held shut.

"Silver, what happened to you," he said worriedly, "where did all this wire come from?"

N: The English glanced at each other, wondering the same question. "Let me  go and get something from the infirmary for Silver," England said  before leaving the room.

"And I will get some food for her," Johann added and rushed out of the room.

Saxon gave Silver a once over and wondered, "Do you think she was captured?"

M: "I don't think so, there's really no reason anyone would want to catch a  raven," Derogan said, walking up to his brother to take a look at the  bird, "my best guess is some human left it lying around and she got  tangled in it, is that right Silver?"

Silver  nodded her head, Mandara sat down in his original spot and tried to see  if he could get the wire loose. "She must have been like this for a  while, it's really dug into her skin, how did you manage to survive let  alone make it here without flying?"

"How do we get it off, a knife isn't going to cut through metal," Derogan asked.

N: "Is there a local metalsmith nearby," Saxon asked, "perhaps they would have blades that could cut through metal."

Soon  Johann rushed in with a bag of seeds, but noticing that her beak was  still shut, he stood behind the Mandorians and waited. England came afterward with a small medical bag and opened it up next to Mandara.  "You know how to treat her best," he spoke, "so hopefully do as much as  you can now."

M: Mandara nodded and reached in  the bag, luckily there was a small pair of pliers for removing foreign  objects, that would do the trick. The young country proceeded to very  carefully untangle the wire and remove any what was embedded into her  skin, when it was all off he was surprised at how much there was, the  ball had to have been bigger than the bird

Silver  Streak was quiet and calm during all of this, just snuggling into  Mandara's arm as he cleaned and wrapped her injuries, which were fairly  infected from the rusty metal. When she was all fixed the boy set her  down next to the seeds and she immediately started eating, making the  brothers glance at each other.

"Judging from  the rate of infection and how skinny she is, this had to have happened  three days ago at least," Rowen said as he fumbled with the ball of  wire, "people are so careless about what they throw out, who knows what  could have happened if she was unable to make it here."

N: Anglo shook his head, "The only thing that littering can do is destroy  the environment, and with something that cannot biodegrade, such as  metal, it is even worse."

M: Everyone nodded in  agreement, Rowen especially looked disheartened, "I'll have to bring  this up with the king, it might not do much but we could try to figure  out something to keep the people from littering, though in a kingdom  that is as spread out as this one it is hard to keep track of such  things, especially farming waste, there's a good reason why you never  see livestock farms near rivers here, a whole town was wiped out because  the nearby river became contaminated by a farmer's cattle."

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