Chapter 28: Never leave Your Side

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M:   Mandara and Derogan watched as Johann left with looks of confusion.

"I don't think he understood what we were talking about," Derogan commented, Mandara nodding in agreement.

"Well, I guess we should get blankets and pillows here," Mandara reasoned, he hopped off the chair and went over to the door, "you coming?"

"No, I can't walk very well, my back hurts too much."

"Oh, ok, I'll be back then, though Johann may be back before me depending on how much I will be bringing back."

Mandara opened the door and left for his and Derogan's room, though he made sure to tell the knights guarding Mandoria's room what was going on so they would be more lenient about people going in and out of his father's room.

N:   When Johann arrived at Mandoria's room, he thought that he had to give a long explanation about bringing England; however, was surprised when both of them were allowed in. One of the guards did give him a sideways look at the boy as he clutched onto the bag and sped in with the English country close behind.

"Oh God," England muttered when he saw Mandoria, taking in the sight. He then noticed Derogan in the room, and seeing him all bandaged up, he went over to him and gently patted his back with his left hand, "I would ask you if you are alright, but present circumstances suggest otherwise."

M:   Derogan winced as England patted his back but bit his tongue so he wouldn't yelp and make him feel bad.

"Y-yeah, you could say that, but I'll be ok, just not sure if Father will," he said, "Mandara is coming back with blankets and stuff so we can camp here and stay with him. Sorry if Johann disturbed you, there was a little bit of a miscommunication and he thought that we asked if you would join us, but I'm sure you would rather spend time with your own family ... or ... with Sir Anglo at least."

N:   "It's quite fine, Johann didn't disturb me," he started to fiddle with his tunic when he saw Derogan wince. "And I had the last couple of centuries to spend time with my fathers, even more so since I handed control of the country to British Empire. Also from what your father said to me earlier today," he glanced at the King Wing, "I am going to use my time left here in the Kingdom of Mandoria to spend time with Mandorians, not English."

His eyes started to wander in the room; he felt like an intruder, especially after what Saxon and himself had done. "Us English," he muttered, shaking his head, "always causing a mess wherever we go."

M:   "Be thankful you're not Prussians," Derogan muttered with a chuckle, "whenever they come around, all hell breaks loose in one way or another," he caught Johann's gaze for a split second and realized what he said so reiterated himself, "but of course, not all Prussians are bad, we do get quite a few who have come here to find a better life, I guess the ones in uniforms and armor are the cursed ones, and no offense, but I still believe that Saxon is pretty cursed too."

Derogan then turned away from England back to Mandoria, gently taking his father's hand into his own, "and besides, this was my fault; not yours, not even Saxon's, I ran away and I got myself captured, now Father is paying the price for my screwup, as per usual," he paused as tears started welling up in his eyes, "just another reason why I shouldn't be king, Father is fighting for his life and it's all my fault."

Derogan fell to his knees and buried his head in his arms as the emotions he tried to suppress finally spilled out.

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