The Rents'

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Triple update!! Being on break has been so good for me! So happy I have the drive to write again. Enjoy!


I groan hugging the toilet bowl in my bathroom, a place I've come to get to know quite well. I had even invested in a memory foam rug in front of my toilet to keep my knees from hurting from puking so much. 

I can feel Colton rubbing circles on my back as he holds back my freshly curled hair- curled to perfection for the brunch we have with his parents, brother, and sister in law in 45 minutes, hypothetically to tell them about the baby. 

The last three weeks have gone by in a blur, and I finally hit the 12 week mark yesterday. I was hoping it would be the magic day that my morning sickness stopped since I was hitting the second trimester, but I knew better than that. Today was no exception to the nausea norm I had gotten used to over the past month. 

"Faye I can call and cancel and say you aren't feeling well. They'll understand." Colton says after I finally stop dry heaving. 

I shake my head and get up to brush my teeth for the second time today. When I finish brushing I turn around to face Colton who looks like he wants to argue with my decision, a look he's had a lot the past few weeks. To his credit, he doesn't challenge me very often, only when he really knows I'm bullshitting.

I sigh wrapping my arms around him. "I really want to meet your family properly, I promise I'll be fine. I'll take a Zofran and we'll be good to go." I say pulling away and patting his shoulder as I walk into my bedroom to grab the nausea medication that has become used daily. 

Dr. Fanning's assumption about low levels had been correct when my blood work came back the following Monday after my appointment. I had low iron and blood sugar so she prescribed an iron supplement on top of my normal pre-natal and Zofran to keep the nausea at bay, which was kind of working? 

To be honest I don't think I've noticed a difference but I tell Colton I have so he doesn't worry more than he already does. One thing I notice is I do feel stronger, probably from my iron levels returning to normal. To be fair, I was probably anemic before I even got pregnant. 

After I take my meds for the day I make my way to the kitchen to grab my purse before heading out to Colon's Jag in the driveway. Over the past few weeks we have fallen into a comfortable routine together, almost as if we have been living together for years. He practically lives at my place right now. I've been to his immaculate house a few times but he says mine feels more homey, and I can't help but agree. I can't imagine living in a giant house like that alone.

We haven't really discussed further living situations but we do have time. It brings tears to my eyes to think about selling my house but I had to be realistic. A two bed two bath would become small VERY fast once the baby came. My office could be converted into a third bedroom but realistically Colton and I both need our own offices. 

The one thing we have decided is that we're going to live together no matter where we end up in the city, not that it's any different than we've been doing the last few weeks. 

Aside from living conditions, I have gotten to know a ton more about Colton the last few weeks. Other than his McMansion, he has some of the best technology and security I have ever seen, which makes sense considering he is a tech genius.

What blew my mind the most was his financial status. Obviously I knew he was rich, but I didn't really think about it much, that was until Taylor came over the day after I told her I was pregnant. 

Apparently she had done a google deep dive and came with receipts that day. With her she brought multiple print outs from old Forbes magazines, dating back through the last decade. It looked as if someone had been following Colton's life since his company was a meager startup, and now he's a billionaire. 

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