chapter seven

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**Four Years Ago**

"Adrikens! Your mom was so cool! Right Sabrina?" Chloe cheered, the three of them had just finished watching a film that premiered that day. They're families were getting together for the dinner at Adrien's house to celebrate his mom's new released film.

The 10 year olds were thrilled by the superhero film, Adrien's mom was a strong heroine who looked over and protected France from a group of evil villains with strange powers. The kids were sneaking bites of the desserts in the kitchen while the parents were in the drawing room, discussing things about work and what's new with their life.

Sabrina noticed a limping waiter coming coming towards them and he looked different from the rest of the staff at Adrien's home. "Adrien, is that person new?" Sabrina asked him; he looked over to who she was looking at and didn't recognize him. "Maybe," he replied. The same waiter' took out his wand and pointed at the kids, "Be quiet and no one gets hurt," he whispered creepily, "Now which one of you is a Bourgeois hmm?" The kids kept quiet and when Chloe was about to answer him, Sabrina stood up, "My name is Chloe Bourgeois, Leave my friends out of it." Chloe couldn't believe what was happening so quickly.

The imposter then pulled Sabrina away from her friends, "Father!" Adrien yelled, the parents looked over and the waiter picked up Sabrina and tried to run out of the dining area. Adrien's home was enchanted so no one could apparate in or out of the mansion. The Agreste security chased after the man and everyone followed suit.

The fake waiter was blocked in the front entrance and had nowhere to escape. Sabrina's dad who was the Paris' Chief of the Police Department stepped in about five feet apart from the kidnapper and his daughter. "Sir, please release my daughter at once! You can leave here and no one has to get hurt." The stranger was shocked, he had captured the wrong child all for nothing, "Give me the child of the Bourgeois family," he demanded still pointing his wand at Sabrina. Chloe was stopped by Adrien, he didn't want her to go out there, they were watching from afar behind the security guards, "I have to help her Adrien," she whispered.

"One! Two!-" the man realized they weren't going to budge, so he raised his wand and screamed a curse, everyone looked away and braced themselves. The man disappeared leaving the front doors wide open, and Sabrina was on the ground panicking, "Hello? Dad? Chloe? Where is everyone," she called. Everyone watched her in confusion, Chloe ran to her best friend side, "Sabrina I'm right here."

"Where?" Sabrina was crying, "It's so dark I can't see anything." Chloe was shocked, her friend had gone blind by that man. All because she was protecting her.


Weeks later Sabrina left the Saint Louis Hospital, sadly they couldn't do cure her eyes, being a curse it was hard to break. Chloe would visit her at home; everyday since then. "Sabrina I learned something new at school today," Chloe sadly smiled. "It's suppose to help with remembering things I think it can help you see again, maybe it can help?" Chloe smiled. Sabrina looked up, not knowing where to face. "I don't know Chloe, I don't think it will work," she frowned.

"Let me try at least, I saw my teacher do it to another teacher, and he made that teacher stop crying about something. I didn't get to hear everything they said." Sabrina trusted her and went with it, "Okay." Chloe tapped her wand on her shoulder and said obliviate. "Sabrina did it work?" She asked with a bit of hope.

"Did what work?" Sabrina asked.

"The spell," Chloe frowned.

"Mademoiselle, it's time to go home," Jean came to pick up Chloe from Sabrina's house 10 minutes after she had casted the spell. "Jean somethings wrong, Sabrina can't remember me!"


Since the incident Sabrina couldn't remember who Chloe was; She only had recollection of how she became blind, her only friend being Adrien, who her family was, and what life was and is like but without Chloe. Over the years Chloe would visit Sabrina but only once a week, Chloe became obsessed over being better at her studies and keeping her distance away from making new friends.

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