chapter four

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Luka slowly opened his eyes, waking up to something nudging at his elbow for attention. He didn't realize he fell asleep in the library again while he was studying for an upcoming exam. "Garçon, that bird has been quite reckless. You know messenger birds are not allowed in ze library?" The golden head statue of a beautiful woman was looking down from her pillar. Luka looked up and wrote in his notebook to apologize to her.

The Egyptian vulture was beside him with an envelope in between its beak. Luka nodded his head and smiled at his pet. Sass placed the letter onto the desk and settled next to him. The statue clicked her tongue before saying, "I will let this be this one time, I can tell he cares for you deeply." Luka smiled and looked at the envelope Sass has brought him. He flipped the beige envelope and broke the familiar golden bee crest stamped wax seal. The letter unfolded and with a miniature size package; "Lukaaaaaaaaaaaa," a chirpy voice across the library called for him. He saw Rose and Juleka waving and their way to him. "Ooooooooooo what's this Luka?" Rose smiled pointing at the smallest box she has ever seen. Luka began to write in his notebook while Rose and Juleka examined the small package; "It's a letter I haven't read yet. And I don't know what the small box is for either." Rose squeaked, "Is it from Marienette?" Juleka mumbled softly with a shy smile. He nodded no and wrote, "I think it's from Chloe's Butler."

Juleka and Rose jaws dropped to the marble floor. Luka confused and asked what was wrong. "Chloe? Chloe Bourgeois? The meanest girl in school Chloe Bourgeois?!?!" Rose shouted. "Pardon, jeune femme; there is no shouting in the library" one of the other golden statues spoke out, "Garçon I think it's best if you take your bird and your friends outside to the garden."


They sat together on a bench near a water fountain that was in the center of the garden; Sass was bathing in the cold water playfully. Luka explained what happened a couple of days ago at the committee tower, and Rose and Juleka couldn't believe what they were reading on the pages of his notebook. The girls were discussing something privately after they both read the last page to Luka's message. He pulled out the letter he didn't get the chance to read:

Dear Monsieur Luka Couffaine,

Thank you so much for delivering the packages to Mademoiselle. She was pleased and to show her gratitude she has ordered a few boxes of freshly made pastries from Paris for both you and your pet. I charmed the size of the packages so it could fit in the envelope and it would less likely be eaten by your bird while being sent out. May you enjoy.

Also, I hope Mademoiselle is well, She is but shy when making new friends in school. I hope to hear more from you. Please don't be afraid to write to me and Mademoiselle every now and then.

Loyal To Serve The Bourgeois',
Butler Jean

Luka looked at the package and in perfect timing it grew to a regular sized box of baked goods. Not only was there one box but five boxes stacked on top of each other. "Woah," Juleka mumbled and Rose in fascination. Luka wrote, "They're from Chloe, it's pastries from Paris. Would you guys like some? There's plenty." He took a green macaroon from one of the boxes and tossed one to Sass. "Are you sure they're not poison Luka?" Rose asked anxiously. "Why do you say that?" Luka wrote.

The girls looked at each other and deciding if they should tell him or not, "Luka I think you should be careful around Chloe, she really isn't a nice person," Juleka mumbled. "Yeah she's made a lot of the girls at school cry. Didn't you hear what happened to Aurore Beauréal? And it was in front of the whole school," Rose added. Luka wasn't sure what to believe, he thought maybe Chloe was just misunderstood. "We won't stop you from seeing Chloe, but I don't want you to get hurt again," Juleka mumbles out. Luka smiled sadly and wrote, "Don't worry Juleka I'm sure she's not what she seems to be."


Chloe grabbed one of the herbs and duplicates it with a Germinio spell. "I'm done with the assignment, now excuse me I have other places to be at than here that's worth my time," Chloe rushed. "How did you do that?" her class partner Kim asked. Chloe ignored him and left the classroom; she was looking forward to reading a letter from her butler. He had news to share.

She was speed walking to the committee tower and didn't notice she was passing a blue haired boy sitting in the garden that got a quick glance of her. Once she reached the tower, her messenger bird Pollen was waiting with a beige envelope at one of the windows of the tower. She panted from speed walking and took a moment to catch her breath before opening the letter and reading it:

Good Afternoon Mademoiselle,

The treats should be delivered to Monsieur Luka Couffaine by the time you have read this if not sooner. Your Mother will be coming home this weekend from New York so your father is preparing everything as we speak for her arrival. We will be hosting a welcome home gala for you in 3 weeks time.

I also would like to inform you, Mademoiselle Sabrina Raincomprix will be joining us this coming winter leading up to the gala. I cannot wait to see you come home Mademoiselle. I hope you're doing well and to hear from you soon.

Your Butler,

Tears began to form from Chloe's eyes; Sabrina was coming back home to Paris.

RidiculousDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora