chapter one

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In the first few weeks of starting her fourth year attending the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, Chloe manage to make the whole school turn upside down. Within days she made many of Adrien's admirers cry; it was only a matter of time that Chloe would notice his dedicated fans getting bolder to interact with him, so she lead them astray from her childhood friend by embarrassing them and breaking their self-esteem.

A week later, Chloe made it clear to the students in her class that she excelled in assignments or performed spells perfectly. Not to mention, she was not shy to boast after every demonstration of casting spells during their lessons. Professors would of course applaud on her participation, yet she would make snide comments how some of the professors themselves can not challenge her enough in ways she can not prevail.

There was so much to add to the list of wrongs Chloe had and it was getting longer each time she couldn't help herself. She was now in the school gardens confronted by a student who was asking a question about what they did in class since the student herself was sick.

Unfortunately for this student, they got more than what they asked for. "How is it my fault that you look terrible? Maybe if you took better care of yourself you wouldn't look like trash," Chloe insinuated. She then walked away from the situation with her chin up high and flipping her ponytail over her shoulder.

She heard the classmate growl and stomp away in anger; students around her whispered among themselves of what they just witnessed. Chloe brushed off the comments she can hear close by.

What's her problem?

She thinks she can be high an mighty just because she's filthy rich?

It's not like she's royal, her daddy might be a mayor but that is all she will ever be. A mayor's daughter.

At that last comment, it struck a nerve with Chloe, she glared at the student who just said that."If you have enough time to talk about me then you must have the decency to actually ace your O.W.L.s right Aurore Beauréal? I doubt there's any future for you with the grades you have," She snapped. The blonde pigtailed student in front of her began to tear up and ran away from Chloe. The students around her kept quiet or gave angry glares, disappointed at what she did to the poor girl. Chloe continued onward  out of the gardens, somewhere secluded to clear her head. She hid behind one of the ice statues of the academy to internally let the fumes out.

Chloe was confident that she can out do any of the students on the school grounds. She was a Bourgeois, she has a lot to live up to and must lead the legacy after her parents. After all her father is the mayor of Paris but apart from the muggle world, he also works with the Ministry of Magical Affairs of France; her mother is a well known fashion coordinator in the wizarding world, she designed for famous quidditch teams or legendary witches and wizards.

Someone graced their hand on Chloe's shoulder for comfort. It was Adrien and she was relieved to see him without that bratty girl attached to his arm.

"Adrikens, it's so nice to see you. Especially without your human bracelet," she faked a smile.

"Kagami is a friend. And speaking of which you could be a little nicer?" Adrien rubbed the back of his neck to ease a bit of stress. He was worried that Chloe is getting worse each day to her fellow students. She can be stubborn but he knew deep down she was kindhearted, well on rare cases.

"Let me guess, are you gonna give me another lecture on kindness or how karma exist?" Chloe sighed. Since attending the academy as first years, Adrien always checked on her to be sure how she was holding up. He knew Chloe hasn't been the same after what happened to Sabrina. "It's going to be hard to make friends the way you're doing it,"Adrien did his best to be polite but he can see Chloe frown even wider. "She wouldn't want this-," Adrien stopped when he noticed Chloe flinch at where the conversation was going. "I'm sorry," he quickly apologize. It was quiet for moment, before Adrien said,"Chloe, the way you treated the students in the courtyard- could have turned out a lot better if you just think before you speak." Adrien was now sitting next to her, alongside the statue,"And I heard what Aurore said. She shouldn't have said that, but you also didn't have to humiliate her about her grades in front of the whole school." So maybe there was no excuse for what she did, but Chloe didn't feel guilty about what she did to the Beauréal girl. She was standing up for herself, let alone to someone who didn't understand her.

Through out the day Chloe thought about what Adrien said, she was frustrated with him but mostly at herself. She was tired of being at the academy, tired of doing the same routine over and over again. He couldn't understand how alone she felt, to not have anyone by her side or to befriend... not anymore.

After Chloe's last class ended for the day, she headed to the committee tower not far from the school. It was filled with messenger vultures of common breeds such as Lammergeier, Egyptian, and Griffon. When she entered the building, the birds scattered almost wildly, flying by, in or out of the grand windows of the tower.

Her butler Jean has not replied back in about four days since the last letter she sent out. It was the only thing she looked forward to in surviving the academy for the year. She thought about sending a second letter to him in hopes he would reply back.

Little did she know, the letter from her butler were in the hands of a blue haired boy.

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