chapter five

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The next day, Chloe had to tell Adrien the moment she had the chance. Even if that meant interrupting a morning duel match between him and Kagami. "Chloe that's great but couldn't you wait until after I got out of practice?" Adrien's eyebrows arched; he was happy for her; he knows she's been waiting a long time to see her ex-best friend again. "We need to practice Adrien, make her leave," Kagami said coldly. "Excuse me?!" Chloe stomped her foot. "She's right Chloe, we can talk after practice okay?" Adrien walked her out of the dueling room, "Don't worry Chloe I'm just as excited too. I talked to father and I will be attending the gala, so I'll be by your side when we see Sabrina again." Adrien winked and shut the door; Chloe smiled and couldn't wait.

That afternoon Adrien and Chloe met up for lunch at a near by town close to the Aschool. They sat outside a pastry shop, eating the fresh goods they ordered. "There's no need to be nervous, we still have a few weeks before we get to see her," Adrien reassured before taking a bite out of a croissant. "Do you think she might remember me this time?" Chloe asked. "I don't know but it doesn't hurt to hope right?" Adrien smiled. Chloe scoffed, "You are so optimistic aren't you," they both laughed and noticed a group walking by them. It was none other than Marinette, Alya, and Nino; "Well if isn't the lame trio, what do you want?" Chloe rolled her eyes. "Adrien!- I mean we were going to ask Adrien what he wanted- I mean-" Marinette was fumbling over her words; she couldn't think straight when it came to her crush. "We came to ask if Adrien would like to join us to go shopping. Marinette is getting ready for the showcase," Alya saved Marinette yet again. "That sounds like fun, is it for the quidditch team?" Adrien asked. Marinette just grinned really wide and was blushing terribley, nodding her head yes as a response. Alya slapped her own forehead over the reaction her best friend was giving. "Come on man I don't want to be the only guy with them," Nino played.

"Sure! Let's go Chloe," Adrien invited. Chloe sensed the tension from the trio, it was obvious they didn't want her to join them. "I have better things to do than look at fabric or broomsticks," Chloe declined. They were relieved and started walking off, Adrien stayed behind for a moment to talk to Chloe, "Are you sure you don't want to come?" Adrien was concerned, he knew Chloe better than that. "Sorry Adrikins, I don't want to be a third wheel," she nudged. "What do you mean?" Adrien asked. "You know Dupain-Cheng has a huge crush on you right?" Chloe smirked. "What?! No way, she's just a friend," he replied. "And Kagami is a friend too?" Chloe scoffed. He was taken aback and wasn't sure what to say, "Anyway, thanks again Adrien, I hope we can do this more often," Chloe gave a small smile. She really wished she could spend more time with Adrien, he was all she had left. He gave her a hug before joining the others at Brews & Stix.

Chloe didn't want to ruin a nice day for Adrien, she doesn't like Dupain-Cheng but she would do anything for Adrien, and if that meant giving him a peaceful day with his friends and preventing any arguments with the blue pigtailed girl then so be it. After taking a last sip of mocha she heads to the library to practice advanced spells, she did have a title to hold; The Bourgeois' were a well known wizarding family after all.


It's been a week since Chloe got the news about Sabrina; she was currently spending another weekend in the library. She was getting ahead of her lessons and was trying to see if she can turn objects invisible. "Hi," a notebook was slipped right next to her, she looked up and recognized the blue headed boy from the committee tower. She sighed, "Can I help you?" She tried to be polite but at least she didn't ignore him (she would if it was any other student of course). "Is it okay if I join you?" he wrote. "I'm studying," she deadpanned. He smiled and wrote, "The spell your working on needs to be slow and steady when moving your wand, you need to be more graceful when casting the spell," Chloe did exactly what he advised and she turned the chair in front of her invisible. Chloe was impressed, she was a little anxious as to why he would help her, "What do you want?" she snapped. Chloe was ready for whatever he could be bugging her for; she thought he was going to ask a favor or something, maybe try to ask her for help. "I just came to say hi, I come here to study for my upcoming exams. And also I wanted to tell you thank you for the macaroons," Luka wrote and smiled. Chloe's face turned red, "I don't know what you're talking about." Luka softly chuckled and wrote, "I'm pretty sure you're not a 6th year so why are you advancing on charms your professors haven't taught yet?"

RidiculousOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora