chapter eight

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(Present from here on out)

"Chloe you shouldn't let what happened between you and Sabrina affect your future with making new friends," Adrien had just finished listening to Chloe talk about her new friend Wednesday afternoon. They were in the halls of the school, heading to the library. "Adrien, your dad has a high security on you, I don't need to worry about you getting hurt around me," Chloe huffed. Adrien patted Chloe on the shoulder, "I guess I am pretty cool," he chuckled. "Oh shut up," Chloe laughed. As they entered the library, a few students had crowded several aisles. "Sure you don't want to join me and Kagami?" He smiled. Chloe stuck her tongue out, "No thank you, she scares me enough just thinking of her!" Adrien glared, "Okay, okay sorry, but I can study independently." Adrien waved bye as Chloe headed deeper into the library. She found a deserted place, next to a window. She sat down and started taking her books out. About 30 minutes into reading on a subject on trolls a tapping noise was on the window, Pollen was holding an envelope. She arched her brow, she knew messenger birds weren't allowed in the library, so she casted a spell where she made the a portal through the window so she can take the letter from Pollen outside the building.

Dear Chloe,

I think Pollen likes me.
She hasn't left my side since the last letter you gave me.
Anyway, How was class?


Chloe laughed because Luka didn't know Pollen actually doesn't like to leave empty handed. Since the day Luka decided to become friends with Chloe the two of them have been sending each other letters, at times they would meet somewhere quiet where there isn't a lot of students around. Chloe is well known around the school, she didn't want to bring Luka any trouble. It was a nice change, she thought, it only took four years attending school in Beauxbaton to finally make a friend.

She opened the other letter from home.

Dear Mademoiselle,

I am glad to know you and Monsieur Couffaine are getting along, would you like to invite him to your homecoming gala over break? Let me know as soon as you can. And Monsieur Agreste has sent you a gown, your mother decided it would be best to wear a piece from his one of kind colllection from his finest and recent work. Look forward to seeing you Mademoiselle.

Your Dearest Butler,

Chloe thought about bringing Luka but Sabrina was gonna be there and she didn't want anymore than she can handle. She quickly sent a reply to Jean letting him know she wouldn't be bringing a plus one.

It was only a week left until she gets to see Sabrina, and she was both nervous and excited.


"Hey Chloe are you hiding our friendship?" She read from his notebook. They were currently in a secluded area in the gardens. As always Chloe was getting ahead of her lessons and was currently learning about new plant life and creatures. She was identifying several things from the book she was reading. "Adrien knows about you and he's my best friend besides Sabrina. Why do you ask?" Luka looked down and wrote, "I've noticed you tend to pick places not many students come around and the other day I saw you in the halls, I waved but you didn't want to acknowledge me openly."

She sighed before explaining, "I'm well known around the school Luka, I don't want my fellow classmates coming after you." Luka quickly wrote, "I said I was willing to take that chance and I meant it." Chloe blushed. He was sitting pretty close to her and she was trying to focus on her studies. She glared at him noticing something was off, "How are you doing that?" Chloe asked him. He was confused and wrote, "Doing what?"

"I can talk to you openly about things, things I don't tell anyone but Adrien. It seems you can easily make people comprise or explain things to you," Chloe huffed. Luka chuckled, "I'm part nymph on my father's side," he wrote. " I KNEW IT!" Chloe gasped, making Luka chuckle. That explained why it was so easy to talk to him and why he was attractive to her. She made a mindful note to make sure to look for a plant to resist his charm.

"I didn't get to ask but how was your day today Luka?" Chloe continued looking up plants that looked similar to gillie weeds. She can hear him writing his reply as she looks at a few things from the book. "Juleka and Rose were with me pretty much the whole time today, we're  getting ready for our winter break next week. Do you have plans?"

She did. Now knowing he was part Nymph she can't keep anything from him whenever he asked. She huffed again, she wondered if he did it on purpose. "My family is hosting a welcome home party. Sabrina and Adrien will be there."

He was surprised to know Sabrina would be there, "So you're excited," he asked.

She blushed.

He chuckled softly, he found the expression on her face cute.

"What are your plans?" Chloe asked. "I'm going away on a trip with my family. Juleka, and I are looking forward to visiting our Grandma in Cardiff, UK. We usually stay there for the whole break before we come back to school.

"What is it like over there?" she took interest and stopped looking at her book.

"We go to these winter festivals they have every year and then we head further north to watch northern lights. My parents are great musicians and they perform for the muggles there too." Chloe was impressed. "Can I write to you while you're away?" Chloe wanted to take back what she said but it was too late. Luka smiled and wrote, "Yeah, anytime."


Mademoiselle Welcome Home, how was your stay in America?

It was great Jean thank you, when is my sister arriving?

This coming week, Mademoiselle.

"Good," Zoe smiled.

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