Ch-12: The Chamber Of Secrets

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Character sketch

Adeel zain - 25 year old, eldest brother, acts as the father of the family, he works as an elite bodyguard in the U.S., always busy in his missions, fighting, saving people, catching bad people, his face always remains emotionless, anger remains on his nose, it is advisable to not to mess with him.

Amaan zain - 24 year old, 2nd eldest brother, acts as the mother of the family, he is a doctor, majority of his time goes in handling his patients, also a part of the elite bodyguard

Zaroon zain - 22 years old, Third eldest, member of elite bodyguard.

Farhan and Farhad - The twins, youngest brothers, 18-year-old high school students, farhad is 2 minutes older than farhan, farhad loses his control when he is angry, it is very difficult to understand them, sometimes rude, sometimes good.

Twilight 7

Adeel [secret name: Mr. Sunday] - Captain, chief admiral

Amaan [Mr. Saturday] - Doctor of the group

Zaroon [Mr. Friday] - Hacker

Lily [Miss. Thursday] - Weapon master

Norah [Miss. Wednesday] - Skilled fighter

Thomas [Mr. Tuesday] - Plan maker

Tom [Mr. Monday] - Born detective

There are various groups of bodyguards and Twilight 7 is one of them, they can choose to whatever mission they need to go.



Everything was going very smoothly everyone was excited for 1 more baby, everyone wished for a girl child when dua was born there was happiness, their happiness knew no boundaries, all the brothers would take dua in their arms turn by turn, their most of the time was spent on entertaining their sister and also entertaining themselves.

The business empire was given to zain, their business was booming day by day by Allah's grace, mustufa and nazneen were always very much jealous of their victory, they wanted a high position in the company, a high salary....

Once a deal was to be made that would make much profit for the company, mustufa wanted to be in the spotlight, nazneen gave her an idea that if zain would not attend the meeting and if he impressed the opposite party then he would overtake zain, he would get rich.

Mustufa made a masterplan, he just wanted a perfect time to execute it and he got that opportunity too.... a 4 year old dua was playing with her barbie, she was making tea in her tea cup set, she forcefully made farhan and farhad sat on the mini chair and made them taste her imaginary tea, she asked farhan to bring her barbie doll, farhan threw it to farhad, he tried to catch it but the barbie fell and it got broken, it was dua's favourite barbie, she cried too much, both twins tried their best to stop her from crying, they even offered her candies which they never gave to anyone but still dua kept crying.

Zain and rumaisa got to know about this and they took dua with them to buy a new doll, here mustufa theft all the presentation files of zain and he planned a fake accident, he hired a truck driver to hit zain's car but not so highly, he wanted to injure them.

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