Family Dispute

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Rhea faced Zuko. She didn't want to fight him. He was like a brother to her and she'd just gotten him back.

"Zuko." She drew his attention away from the battle and the Avatar. "You don't want to do this."

He clenched his jaw, conflict flashing across his gaze. "Yes, I do."

Rhea took a deep breath and shifted her stance, ready for an attack. "Then do it." She glared straight into his eyes. "Your father made me a weapon. Let's see how well I turned out."

Zuko charged forward, his anger driving him.

Rhea sidestepped out of the way and kicked him in the back as he rushed passed. "Not quite. Try again."

He seethed, smoke rising from the ground beneath his hands. Pushing himself to his feet, he whirled and launched a jet of flames towards her.

Rhea dropped and rolled across the rocky ground, jumping up to his right. Lunging forward, she jabbed at his shoulder with her knuckles.

Out of nowhere, a rocky fist grabbed her wrist and jerked away, slamming her harshly into the wall. A stab of pain rushed up her spine and forced the air from her lungs.

As she struggled to breathe, half a dozen Di Li agents surrounded her and Zuko turned to face the Avatar. No. She couldn't lose him, not again.

Finally, her throat seemed to open up and air rushed into her lungs. She coughed on the moist cave air, her hands clenching into fists as she surveyed her opponents.

She glared at the Di Li directly in front of her. "Surrender. This is your only warning."

The earthbender scoffed, an arrogant smirk spreading across his face.

Rhea shrugged. "I warned you." She lunged forward and jabbed one of the Di Li in the shoulder, making his arm go limp.

She ducked as an earthen fist shot over her head and punched another bender in the face. She spun on her heel and kicked a Di Li in the chest, forcing him to the ground. Moving on close to one of the agents, she half drew her sword, slamming the hilt into his gut. She grabbed his shoulders and jerked his head down, his nose cracking against her knee.

A rocky hand grabbed her by the back of her shirt and dragged her into the grasp of a Di Li agent.

She jerked against his grip, but couldn't free herself. Reaching back, she grabbed his arm and leapt up and back. His wrist snapped sickeningly as she landed on his shoulder. He released his grip and she rolled back onto the ground and stabbed his spine with her knuckles. The Di Li collapsed, immobilized.

Turning, Rhea raced towards Zuko. He was attacking the Avatar ferociously, but there was still a chance to stop it - to stop him.

Something solid exploded against her shoulder and she stumbled forward, landing hard on the ground.

One of the Di Li approached, wiping blood away from his lips. One of his rocky gloves was missing. He glared menacingly at Rhea as she lay on the ground, her right shoulder on fire with pain.

She rolled onto her side and pushed herself to her knees with her left arm, looking back at the Di Li over her shoulder. She locked eyes with him, matching his angry glare. Standing, she gripped her sword.

The Di Li clenched his bare fist and pebbles converged on his hand, coating it in earth.

Rhea drew a deep calming breath and darted forward. She drew her sword, the blade slicing through rocky fists as they shot through the air towards her. Spinning on the balls of her feet, she slashed the Di Li across the stomach. She turned back towards Zuko as the earthbender collapsed painfully to the ground.

Suddenly, a blinding beam of light broke through an earthen dome near the edge of the cavern. Aang floated through the newly carved hole in his protective bubble, his eyes and tattoos glowing.

The Di Li backed away.

Rhea's eyes roved the cavern. She couldn't find Azula. Finally, she spotted the princess behind Aang.

"No!" She raced forward, but Azula released a crackling bolt of lightening.

The electricity collided with Aang's back and the light extinguished as he plummeted towards the cavern floor.

Rhea froze in disbelief, watching as Aang fell.

Katara formed a huge wave and rode it to Aang, catching him before he hit the ground. She glanced back at Rhea, who had finally snapped back to reality.

Rhea met Katara's gaze. "Get him out of here!"

The waterbender hesitated for a split second before nodding and running to a waterfall cascading down the cavern wall. The pair disappeared up the roaring curtain of water.

Rhea dropped her gaze back to the line of Di Li before her. Zuko stood ahead of them. He looked hesitant to attack.

Sensing his conflicted thoughts, Rhea stepped closer. "Please, Zuko." A wave of pain erupt across her spine, quickly drowning her in the searing agony. Lightening arced around her body and she collapsed to the hard ground unconscious.

Hey! I got it out in less than a month! Yay!!!
Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. Two seasons down, one to go. 😆 We're almost there.
I'll try to get the next chapter out soon, but... we'll see.
Thanks for the support guys. 🥰

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