10 - Wooden Box

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~Y/N's POV~

I woke up to rays of light. I rolled into my side and out of the pin prick of light that fell onto my eye, as if a joke to bother just me.

My muscles ached, my bones groaned at me. Nothing in my body wanted to move and I felt as if it my blood was cold molasses. I must be the most lethargic thing the earth had ever seen.
I found myself on my hands and knees, pushing myself up to my feet. The whole floor seemed to shake and I fell back down.

My eyes adjusted to the darkness, aided by the small holes allowing in light.

It was a room of some sort, with wooden floor and walls. I couldn't quite see that were in the very corners, shadows had those places well hidden. From one of them I could see the very outline of something and I focused harder, making out instrument cases. As I was doing this, I didn't realize figures from other shadows were coming near me. Until they were right next to me.

I screamed and trapped myself in a corner. They got closer, despite my terrified state. Until one kneeled down in front of me.

As I looked at the figure, little provided light showing me his features. His hair reached his lower back and was in long dread locks...rings of black were painted around his striking blue eyes...He wore a sleeveless costume and had a ring in his nose.

All of these things were peculiar. All of these things unique to this man. So it couldn't be any one else. The striking eyes, I could see them even in the darkness which was this box.

Relief washed over my body as I recognized him. I lurched forward and hugged the kneeling man. "I know you," I mumbled, almost as if talking to myself.
He hesitated for a few moments before awkwardly patting my back.

I composed myself quickly, embarrassed about my actions. The others, the others! They stood so creepily still, wordlessly staring at me, just...examining me?

Was the worse yet to come?

I finally found my voice, breaking through the layers of silence, "Where are we?"

He had long black hair in a odd pony tail of sorts, but the sides shaven. Another costume with the same resemblance as the man as last night - only this one had sleeves. And once again black painted around his jade eyes.

The man with black hair and had eyes, the most talkative one of them, just turned and receded into the shadows.

My eyes were adjusting to the dark, I could see his corner, big black letters above where he sat "DRUMMER". And under that, scrawled on black paint, very obviously hand painted, the name "John."

In fact, all the corner the men receded to had titles and names underneath. GUITARIST - Tim
BASSIST - Henrik



My Henrik?

I ran to a corner.

He had a curled mustache and long brown hair. His outfit had a few buttons. He also had a painted ring of black around his ocean eyes.

I addressed the man in the corner. The guitarist. He must be Tim. I frantically pointed to Henrik's corner, "Who is Henrik?"


No words.

"Tim. That's your name. Who is Henrik?"

Blink. No words. Sniffing air.

Then to the corner who the man I assuming is John sat. I asked him the same.

I ran to the corner with the name Kungen (noticing an even smaller name, Jonas written in pencil underneath). No leads with knowing if it could be my Henrik, which it couldn't possibly be. That would be ridiculous! I had to try to know where we were.

"Where are we?"

My question relieved no answer. In fact, Kungen, Jonas, whoever he was, broke my eye contact to stare at the floor.

The silence was killing me. The room jolted and I fell. My hip hit the ground, hard. The men looked worried. The room kept shaking, jolting.


I could see there was no door, no way out, trapped in this room with cases and men who wouldn't talk.

And now everything was jolting, moving and shuttering like an old man's chest as he took his last break, shaking and breaking.


It was no use. The light coming in through the cracks dissappeared, I couldn't see and I couldn't get up.

I crawled into the vacant corner, pressing myself into it as hard and far as I could. Nothing was safe. Any sense of security or safety I gained had been squashed under a giant boot. What was this hell? I would give anything to finish this nightmare. Wake up in bed. Just a bad dream.

If I close my eyes for awhile, when I open them again, I'll be awake.


Authors Note:

Why hello my beautiful readers. You smell goooooddddd today.
Wow. That was a hiatus. Anyways, onto my next hibernation!
I'll try not to dissappear for so long again.

Read and be merry, my sweet summer child.

Always yours,

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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