6 - Normalized Life

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~Y/N's POV~

I woke up from a surprising amount of sleep and I felt...well still tired, but tired without an excuse to be. Slightly rejuvenated. I stumbled down the stairs, almost immediately turning to go back up once I saw my mother.

My foot on the first step, I whipped around to take a double take of my mother. She was in her nightgown! I almost gasped in shock.

"Is it Winter Solstice?"
"Even better, Tuesday."

I looked at her before grinning. I sat down at the kitchen table, looking at the plates set up with warm meat, fruits, and fried eggs.

My mother hadn't been in this good of a mood since my dad was alive. That's when she started talking to me seriously, my mouth full of food. Damn it, she knew my weakness and I fell into her trap so that she could talk as I was unable to. "Y/N, I've been a little preppy today. I don't know if it'll be like this longer or if it's just to cushion the fall, but I have a boyfriend."

I slammed my fork against the table, coughing. "That's amazing, but I really hope this isn't a one day only thing."

"Haha, I've been together with him for a little bit now."

"What's his name?"

"Peter Steele."

"Ooo fun."

"Yeah. I like him a lot."

"That great."

"I'm so happy you're not angry," my mother commented, referring to my distaste in men she'd dated previously after my father. I nodded and my mom got up from her seat.

She kissed my forehead before going upstairs to change. I grabbed the plates going to wash them and clean up. My mom came in, setting a box on the table. "I have to run, but can you look through the fabric scraps to see pretty floral and light pastels to make a doll for the Smith's new baby girl."

"Yeah, I got it, have fun."

I finished drying and putting away the plates. I turned to the box, sitting on a chair, and slowly picking out stuff for a family friends new daughter. Nice pastels and old floral prints. Light yellows, faded pinks, lavenders. I found a nice sky blue color, but decided that would be too much for the stuffed animal. It would be just too many colors.

I started on making it, before taking a break for a little rest and to read a little of my book.

I heard the front door open and I looked over to see my mother absolutely glowing. She held her little purse in excitement and rushed over to me, almost forgetting to close the door.

She held a little paper bag in front of my face, too close for me to even see it. "What?"

"He took me out shopping."

"Great to know he can support one of your hobbies."

My mom knew I was being a little rude, but just shot me a glare. She went to do a little thing called a "new clothes parade."

She pranced around, flaunting colorful dresses and sparkling new jewelry. I told her how amazing she looked while not really focusing on her. I just started sewing and snipping the fabrics."Y/N, that's a bit masculine, don't you think?"
"I'm sorry, what?"
"Pink is just...a strong color for a delicate girl."

I rolled my eyes and kept sewing. My mom stood, looking over my shoulder for a second before placing her jeweled hand in front of my face. "Lookie how beautiful they are."
"Beautiful, just like you."

My mom beamed. It was an half-assed compliment from me, but to be honest, she was very beautiful.

It was honestly such an oddity that everything was going so smoothly. That we were kind of getting along. And that there hadn't been any blow out fights.

It felt too good to be true.

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