5 - More...?

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Not again.

I woke up on top of my covers in my sleeping gown. I got up and tested my door to see it was open. A note on the kitchen table had informed me that mother was out on a tea and shopping day with her friends.

I found a normal looking dress within the depths of my mother's clothing. I cleaned up and brushed my hair. I had tripped three times on the same lifted edge of the rug until I begrudgingly fixed it. I cleaned up what I could of the before grabbing leftover baked goods from the other day.

I took some of the treats over to the neighbors next to us - an older couple. I soon left their house after a nice conversation over some quick tea break to walk around in the day time. While walking, there was a street sign I didn't recognize, but felt a strong sense of deja vu. I began walking forward when I should've turned about a block back ago, taking no definitive path I really knew.

I kept walking, just enjoying sights until I walked into something. Wait. Someone.

I stepped back and apologized to see a man. He had a curled mustache and long brown hair. His outfit had a few buttons. He also had a painted ring of black around his ocean eyes. He had sniffed the air abruptly before pointing at me.

Another man stepped forward. He had long black hair in a odd pony tail of sorts, but the sides shaven. Another costume with the same resemblance as the man as last night - only this one had sleeves. And once again black painted around his jade eyes.

I was stunned. They held out their hands. "You want food?"

They nodded.

I decided to take a stab at another question since they were so similar tj the man last night. "Do you know Johannes?"


"Did he send you?"

Shrug. Same response as the other man.

"I'll give you food, but you have to take me to Johannes afterwards, got it."

They nodded vigorously. They held out their hands again.


I lead them to my home, feeding them what I could make easily and quickly for the impatient men. Well, I wasn't sure since they didn't talk, but they didn't seem quite fond of waiting. I put cold cuts and bread down, which seemingly disappeared before my eyes. I had to go to the water pump twice for how much they drank. They drank as if they had crossed a desert. Twice over.

Once they were satisfied, (and a little extra wrapped up in a cloth for them) they both stood up. The chairs scrapped against the floor and they headed towards the door. "Hey!" I grabbed brunettes wrist.

He look at me with a confused expression. They both looked extremely confused. How were they confused, I was the confused one here! "You promised. You have to take me to Johannes."

Both men seemed startled by my request - as if they hadn't heard of ot before - even though we had agreed upon it. "Later," The black haired man said as if that explained everything. Which most certainly did not and only led to more questions.

The man pulled his wrist out of my grip and they both walked out of the house as if everything that had just happened was an absolutely normal thing that happened daily. I fell back into my chair defeated. I wasn't even going to try to go after them.

So I cleaned up the mess that was left and went back over to the Nelson's for a cup of tea and to bid them a goodnight. After the now mild but contented evening - after a confusing noon - I went home and read before going to sleep.

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