Chapter 6

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Between school, internship and tutoring Izuku, Ichika found time was passing by quickly. June had passed even quicker than May, because every other weekend she had used to study for a test, which meant she had been from home almost every Saturday. She used the Saturdays she wasn't at Endeavor Agency to study, with or without her friends - though mostly with - and doing patrol walks and training with either Endeavor or one of the sidekicks during the other weekends. Arriving on Friday afternoon and leaving Endeavor Agency on Sunday afternoon.
Surprisingly she was able to combine everything well. Even if it meant she had little time for herself. But she was glad she still had time for her friends. Especially with Mirio's birthday coming up, which coincidentally fell on the same day as Izuku's. With her brother turning 15 and Mirio turning 17 next week. And she still hadn't found them a gift! She would probably get Izuku the newest merchandise of the number one hero. But what should she get for Mirio? And most importantly, how was she going to ask him out, without actually asking him out? For Nejire was beginning to urge her more and more with each day.
As she tried to think about when to ask the blond teen out for a movie, her eyes travelled over the desk. Endeavor had yet to return from his rescue, so she was told to wait at his office. While she had been here multiple times, she had never been here all alone. And now that she was, she decided to have a good look at what the flame hero kept in his office. For there was so little in such a spacious room.
Standing up from her chair, she walked around the desk to his chair. A much comfier looking one than the one she had occupied. And much bigger too! As she sat down, she almost fell back, only to catch herself just in time. Then she tried to get comfortable. But no matter how she twisted and turned, she couldn't find a way to sit pleasantly. The chair was just too big for her. Her feet dangled a bit and the back of the chair offered her no support if she sat up straight. And the armrests were too far apart.
So instead, Ichika decided to just sit at the tip of the chair and studied the desk.
The dark brown polished wood was neatly kept, not a trace of dust to be found. And she had long figured out Endeavor was a well organised man. His desk was no different. All his files he had kept in the drawers, no doubt he even had them all on alphabetical order. And the few files he had placed on his desk, were neatly stacked between two lamps. Nothing interesting about that.
What she did find interesting though, was the photograph. A boy looked at her with familiar turquoise eyes. Even with his messy white hair, there was no mistaking that this was Endeavor's son.
She leaned forward a bit to get a better look of the boy in the picture. He was handsome, that was for sure. His eyes had the same piercing colour as Endeavor, yet they held a kindness the hero rarely showed. His face though a bit rounded, still showed the beginning of a jawline. If he had shared Endeavor's red hair, he could have been just a younger Endeavor. Unless the man actually dyed his hair of course and she tried to imagine the man with white hair.
She chuckled at the thought, while her eyes remained at the photo. So this was Shoto then? The son Endeavor complained about for not listening? She had thought him to be younger with the way Endeavor described him. Then again, the man did not spoke of his family often.
'Getting comfortable already, eh, girl?'
Upon hearing the deep voice of Endeavor, Ichika let out a surprised yell, her head shooting up in surprise. The sudden movement almost made her fall. Standing before her was Endeavor. His arms crossed and his brows in his usual frown. Yet instead of a scowl, he had a smirk as he stared down at her.
'You know you'll get frown lines if you continue frowning like that,' Ichika stated boldly as she crossed her arms as well. Though she couldn't hide the flustered look from feeling busted.
'I'll take that risk,' the man hummed in amusement. 'Now what got you so distracted that you didn't even hear me coming in?'
'Him,' Ichika told him truthfully as she pointed at the said picture. 'He's handsome, you should introduce me to him. He seems to be my age.'
Though she had said it jokingly, Endeavor's whole demeanour changed. A moment ago he was smirking at her and suddenly he looked grim. His arms dropped to his side as he walked around his desk, stopping next to Ichika. But he didn't look at her. Instead he looked at the picture in sorrow. A trembling hand reached for the frame, before he finally picked it up.
'He was, wasn't he,' the man stated more than asked in a voice so unlike him. So soft, so quiet. Yet Ichika heard him and she immediately noticed her mistake. 'Touya used to be such a handsome boy. Out of all my children, he took after me the most. He was thirteen in this picture.'
With a soft expression in his eyes, Endeavor put the picture down again. His eyes not leaving the boy in the picture. And when they did, the sorrow did not leave them. Even as he looked at Ichika.
'Though I doubt he would be interested in you,' he joked grimly. 'He would have been 22 now, if he was still alive. This picture was taken just a week before his death.'
'I'm sorry,' Ichika murmured quietly as she looked at her hands. 'I didn't know.'
The man stayed silent as he looked back to the picture. The strong, stoic hero that never backed away from a fight, now stood small and fragile. A sight Ichika had never seen before and never thought she would see. She never thought Endeavor was even capable of looking this vulnerable and now she wished she'd never seen him like this. It made him look human. So far from the man she had always admired.
Ichika watched in silence as she waited, though she didn't know what she was waiting for. For him to say something? For him to do something? Or perhaps it was because she didn't know what to say or do herself. Where there even words she could use to help ease the pain this man felt? The number two hero, who had saved thousands of lives, had a secret he had managed to keep from the world. That he had lost a child himself.
No wonder he was always the stoic hero, Ichika realised. He had to keep up that facade to protect himself. If villains were to find out he had a weakness, they would exploit it!
'So much for your unbreakable hero, am I right.' Endeavor scoffed at his own humourless joke.
'You are still Endeavor,' Ichika replied quietly, not looking up. 'You are still the hero I've always looked up to.' Then she looked up to meet his sad gaze. 'If anything, it makes me respect you more.'
He only scoffed at this. Then he looked at the clock, stating that she had missed her train. Ichika needed a moment to register the sudden change of subject, but then noticed the time as well. She hadn't realised she had waited for Endeavor for over an hour! Well, she'd just have to call her mom that she wasn't going make it before dinner.
'I'll just take the next one,' she reassured him as she stood up. 'It's no problem at all. I'll just call my mom and tell her I'll be late.'
She was about to reach for her bag, when Endeavor stopped her. Telling her that wouldn't be necessary.
'It is my fault you missed your train,' he said matter of factly, appearing to be back to his usual self. 'I had told Kido to send you home, but I guess he failed to tell you so. You have everything packed?' Ichika nodded. 'Good, go wait downstairs, I'll be there in a moment.'
'Yes sir.'
Ichika made her way over to her room to grab her suitcase, before waiting for Endeavor down at the lobby. When he arrived he had changed into his civilian clothes and a suitcase in his right hand. It seemed he was done for the day as well.
'Kurumada is waiting for us outside,' the man said as soon as he noticed her. 'He'll give you a ride home.'
As Ichika followed the hero outside, she was met with a middle aged man with a rectangular face. His black hair matched his dark suit, while his beard and mustache was  the same light colour as his tie. Behind him was a jet black car, which strangely enough was a sedan model instead of a limousine. Ichika had always thought the number 2 hero would drive around in a limousine, not an average car. It seemed there were even more layers to this man than she had already discovered, if he drove a modest car. Or at least had himself drive around in a modest car. Or perhaps this was only for the sidekicks? For she doubted the giant of a man could actually fit in it, after she had given it a better inspection.
'You've never seen a car before, girl?'
Immediately her attention was turned to the  man who was standing next to the car. The door already opened for her to get in as the man glared down at her.
'Oh, ah... No... I mean yes,' she stammered as she flushed red. 'I was just surprised to see such an average car.'
The man only mocked her. Asking if the car wasn't good enough for her, which she quickly denied. Stating that she actually appreciated the simplicity, before apologizing for appearing to be ungrateful.
'Quit embarrassing the girl, Kurumada,' Endeavor grumbled gruffly as he sat down in the passenger's seat. 'Just close the door and drive.'
The man gave Ichika one last glare, before he did what his boss had said. Closing the door behind Ichika as she put on her seat belt and took he his place behind the wheel. And after she had given him the address, they were off.

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