Chapter 4

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Kay burst through the foyer of the mansion, her white dress costume tattered and stained. Her heart hammered wildly in her chest as nearby guest gasped at the sight of her. A scream caught the DJ's attention and the loud music died down as a crowd gathered around her murmuring amongst themselves.

Ryan and Deborah pushed through the guests to see what the commotion was about. Sobs wracked Kay as she flung herself toward Ryan's arms. He caught her by the wrists before she could wrap him into an embrace.

"Ryan, what the hell is going on?" Deborah recoiled in disgust.

"How the hell am I supposed to know?"

"You have to help me, please!" Kay pleaded against Ryan, her wrists still locked in his strong hands. Why wouldn't he let her close the distance between them? Judging by the mortified expression from his face, it might've had something to do with preventing his designer suit from getting dirty.

She twisted her hands from his grasp and attempted to reach for a hug again. He caught her in the same position—confirming her beliefs of his shallow thoughts. "Ryan, please. I need you." Tears poured from her cheeks, recalling the ominous yellow eyes from the large man in the forest. "We have to call the police. There's somebody out there. We need to do something."

Deborah's eyes widened in alarm at the word police, but recovered quickly, plastering a smile at the guests. "Alright everyone. Show's over, there's nothing to see here." She snapped her fingers at the DJ and the music resumed. She signaled the attention of one of her security guard's and twirled her finger in a circular motion above her head. He nodded, spoke into his ear piece and disappeared out the front door. "Ryan, get her under control," Deborah said through gritted teeth.

Ryan guided Kay to a sizable guest bathroom nearby. He shut the door behind them and pointed her to the lavish sink and mirror.

"Clean up," he instructed as if she were a child who got caught playing with mud cakes in the backyard.

"Ryan, you have to believe me, there is somebody out th-"

"Just—clean up, Kay." He shot his palm up, silencing her. "Please."

"No," she crossed her dirt-caked arms over her chest. Ryan stepped toward her, gingerly placing his warm hands on each of her shoulders. Kay tensed at his touch—shutting her eyes as his cologne wrapped around her, relaxing her senses some. "Ryan...why did you betray me?" Tears slid down her smudged cheeks as her lips quivered. She opened her eyes, focusing on him with a blurry gaze.

She longed to melt into his body. Covered in an all-black attire—he donned an Italian button down shirt with a black vest. A red handkerchief nestled in his left breast pocket. His touseled hair had been gelled back, revealing his gorgeous green eyes and chiseled jaw like she'd never seen before. Heat boiled from the pit of her stomach as she'd been reminded that he came here with another woman. Dressed up for another woman, but dressed down with her when they were always together. "Why?" She repeated with a little more force.

He blew a sigh from his lips. A territory that belonged solely to Kay. Lips that another woman crossed and violated with her own.

"Kay—try not take this personal," he buried his hands in the pocket of his slacks, his eyes darting to the floor, "you're a sweet girl, but I don't feel the same way as you. The past seven months was just fun for me."

Air left Kay's lungs as fresh hot tears stung her eyes. Tremors wracked her body and she almost doubled over, but Ryan placed his hands on her shoulders to steady her against the wall. "Breathe Kay—that's it, just breathe." She managed to draw in uneven breaths, it was enough to steady herself. After a moment, she shoved his hands off her, disgust roiling in her gut. Ryan stepped back, placing his hands in his pockets again.

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