Chapter 15

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Kay walked into Barnes and Nobles, the aroma of coffee, fresh books, and ambient music instantly settling her nerves. Unable to sit in her house any longer, she needed a fresh breath of the cold, Wisconsin winter. Especially after Ryan's visit the other day.

Although his threat left her uneasy—gun and all—truth be told, she was worried about Kane more than her own safety. She knew he was more than capable of handling himself, but it was only a matter of time before he'd exposed himself to the public and got himself killed by a group of hunters, becoming national news bait. She wasn't sure what Ryan's angle was with his fascination of Kane, but she was certain he'd find a way to hurt him.

Shoving her hat and gloves into her coat pocket, she approached the barista at the counter and ordered a dark hot chocolate with whipped cream. After paying for the beverage, she roamed through the bookstore until she found herself in the folklore section.

She ran her fingers along the werewolf titles, a variety of them from many authors. She grabbed a few that seemed eye catching even though she was unsure of where to begin. One thing was certain though, she wanted to know more about Kane.

Like why he was so touchy about his past, or why did he clam up when they seemed to grow close? Suddenly, a thought occurred to her. What if he'd been hurt by someone he really cared about in his past? The signs were there, withdrawn behavior, inability to trust others, an aloof demeanor. It had to be why he was the way was, but what connection did that have with his transformation? His curse. Either way, he needed to know she was there for him, despite what he was. Or what he'd been through. She'd gain his trust over time. But there was one problem now that would get in her way...Ryan.

The sound of a bell as someone opening the door startled Kay and she spun, the books tumbling from her arms. Male voices chattered amongst each other as she slid against one of the shelves. Stealing a peek around the corner, she spotted both men, young and old, heading toward the coffee shop. Heat crept to her cheeks as she gave a sheepish smile to nearby readers and bent down to pick up her books.

It was early in the morning and the coffee machines carried a hum that distracted Kay's intrusive thoughts, or at least she'd hoped. The scent of breakfast sandwiches made her mouth water. She decided to grab a bacon and egg croissant, and pay for her books all at once. As she approached the line, the men who'd came in moments ago discussed fishing plans and she couldn't help but stare at the younger guy. He was taller with a lean build with eyes that glimmered like calm waters in the sun as he smiled. The older man was busy ordering when the younger one caught Kay staring. She averted her gaze at first, but slowly met his bright blue eyes.

He flashed her a dimply smile that made her insides tingly and warm. But when her gaze traveled to the gold ring on his left finger, her stomach fell. He turned to give his order to the barista as he and the older man fell back into conversation.

The front entrance bell chimed again, only this time, Kay didn't startle as easy, but merely stared ahead, eager to read about the mysteries of werewolves. Anything that would be a clue to unlocking Kane. A woman giggled behind her, her early morning joy reminding Kay how lonely her life was.

Once she paid for her items, she settled into a brown leather couch in a quiet corner near the coffee shop. The window provided perfect lighting, and because people usually went digital with reading, the bookstore wasn't as full as it was years before when Kay used to come in with her mother. It was one of their favorite spots, before the bookstore was rebuilt as Barnes and Nobles and the coffee shop remained with its unique menu changing every few years.

Kay sipped her hot chocolate, staring at the recliner across from her. She pictured her mother sitting in it as she smiled when she delved in her latest romance novel, or when they gossiped about important things that was life. It was one of the few happy memories Kay had of her alive.

The front bell chimed once more and Kay glanced up as the sexy Kane sauntered into the store as if he owned it. For a moment, all sounds faded and the fire in her eyes ignited. Her fingers flew to her lips, recalling their kiss as the thrumming in her chest amplified. He wore a sweater that matched his luscious skin, hugging all the curves of his torso. Raven hair, a force to be reckoned with, screamed for Kay to run her fingers through them. His depths oozed a confidence she hadn't ever seen before. She stood up, her body having a mind of its own as it drifted in his direction. When he noticed her, he paused in his tracks, surprise flashing in his eyes for a brief moment.

"Hi," she breathed. He scanned the length of her, the corner of his lips tugging upwards. Something about that wicked smile made her body flush.

"Hey," his voice, a deep baritone rumbling from his chest. Her eyes roamed to the lips she couldn't stop dreaming about for the past few days. Dangerous lips that made her act out of character when she climbed on his lap and almost made him transform into the beast he caged within. A beast no one knew about but her.

"It's good to see you."

The woman who had been behind Kay turned around and waved over at them as she approached.

"Oh you made it. I was wondering if you were gonna show. Since we never exchanged phone numbers, I thought you actually stood me up," she chuckled, her green eyes locked on Kane.

Kay's forehead knitted in confusion as a knot formed in her stomach. She kept the smile plastered on her face, waiting for the woman to realize her mistake and turn to go back where she came from. "I went ahead and ordered my drink, I hope that's okay with you," she smiled at Kay before turning her gaze to Kane again. She bit her bottom lip, drinking in the sight of him.

Kay wondered if the brunette was on drugs. Doing her best to hide the irritation forming in her gut, but she remained polite.

"Yeah, I wasn't sure if I was going to make it myself," Kane responded with a toothy grin. The woman giggled as she lightly smacked his bicep with pink fingernails that matched her sweater.

"I'm surprised you even made it out of the bar," her hand hadn't moved away.

The room's temperature crept up several degrees as Kay unzipped her coat a bit to let in some air. Her chest tightened as her heart pounded against her ribs. This had to be a joke, a sick prank from the universe. This was normally Ryan's MO, but when Kane continued smiling at the other woman, she cast aside subtle etiquette.

"What's going on?" Kay blurted, her smile disappearing as she leered at Kane with incredulity. Blood surged her veins.

"He's my date. We met yesterday," the woman answered, her eyes gleaming. Kay's heart dropped at those six words as she stared between Kane and the woman, no longer able to hide the hurt in her eyes. "Do you know each other?"

"I..." Kay shook her head at the woman.

"She was just passing by," Kane interjected. Stung by his cold demeanor, Kay ambled toward the couch, collecting her things and making her exit as quickly as possible. She spared a final glance at the retreating pair, tears sliding down her face. Kane met her eyes, his gaze burning into hers.

She tossed her books and phone into the passenger side of her car, the items falling to the floor. Glancing at the bookstore, at her and her mother's favorite hangout spot, she didn't think she'd be able to look at it the same. What had gotten into him? What had she done to deserve his asshole behavior? Putting her car in reverse, she backed out and peeled out of the parking lot toward the one destination she knew would be safe.

 What had gotten into him? What had she done to deserve his asshole behavior? Putting her car in reverse, she backed out and peeled out of the parking lot toward the one destination she knew would be safe

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