Chapter 10

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No matter how many channels Ryan flipped through, it didn't ease the silent rage flowing through him. He ran his fingers over the bruises on his throat as he swallowed a painful lump.

That monster had to die.

He was going to hunt the miserable shit down and stab it in the heart himself.

What made things more perplexing was the fact that Kay referred to the creature as Kane. She touched it, spoke to it like it was some damn puppy and not a threat to the fucking public. All the while Ryan was within mere inches of missing the first dawn of November.

He shuddered when his thumb and index finger found the claw indents from the creature's nails near his carotid artery. How its concrete grip nearly crushed his windpipe, or how his head came within milliseconds of exploding like a grape.

The worst of it all was whenever Ryan closed his eyes, the demon's face would appear behind his eye lids. His heart pounded from immutable restlessness. From the menacing orbs as they flickered from yellow to green in the moonlight. He needed answers and there was only one person who could give it to him.

"Baby- oh my god!" Deborah's shrill voice startled the shit out of Ryan as she crashed into him. She snaked her arms around his throat, peppering his neck and cheeks with kisses. "Are you okay, babe?" He winced from the pressure of her touch.

Irritation flooded him harder than the heavy scent of Chanel she wore. He had to pry her hands away from his face so he could breathe. She reached out to touch his face again, but he grasped her hands in his to prevent her from closing the distance. "How did this happen?" He opened his mouth to speak, but the words died in his throat. "Who did this to you?" The vexation in her voice sounding accusatory.

He rolled his eyes at her incessant questioning. She eventually seemed to pick up on his silent anger and settled for caressing his hand. He stared out the window, unresponsive to her touch.

God, for such a rich girl, she is so fucking clingy. He thought, but at the same time, he needed someone to pass the time with. So she'd do—for now.

What annoyed him more was the fact that Kay walked away from him like she did. As if she were actually done with their relationship. But he'd reel her back. Easily. Then she'd be begging for him to take her back and make love to her like it was her first time all over again. Just the mere thought of pressing himself against her brought a sudden tightness between his legs.

"Ryan- who did this?" Deborah snatched his face in her hands, forcing him to look at her.

"Don't worry about it," he managed to croak out, yanking her hands away from his face. He hated when she touched his face. No matter how many times he's explained it to her, Deborah never seemed to comprehend this simple request.

"How can you tell me not to worry about it?" Her nostrils flared. "Why were you out there—with her? Why is she still in our lives—you said you wanted to marry me." Deborah's voice edged on the spectrum of a toddler's.

Squirming helplessly was all about Ryan could do to keep from flinging himself through the hospital's window. "Do you still have feelings for her? Is that it?"

"No. I don't- now quit fucking asking me," he exploded.

"Not until you tell me the truth," her voice matched his.

"You want the truth?" He flung the covers off him, moving to stand in front of her, clad in his hospital gown. She mirrored his stance, the pair shooting daggers at one another.

"Yes-I do."

He ran a hand through his disheveled tawny hair as a thought entered his mind.

"She wanted me to fuck her."

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