Chapter 6

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"I've been waiting for you for a while."

Kay opened her mouth, but no words came out as her heartbeat quickened at the shimmering green in Ryan's eyes. "You look good, Kay. You look—amazing actually," he said, scanning the length of her. Warmth radiated in her chest before settling in her cheeks.

"Thanks," she said, finally. They stood in awkward silence for about a minute before he spoke.

"Enjoying the party?"

Kay arched a brow at him.

"Why don't we move from this spot into a more quieter area." Ryan said, peering back at Deborah.

"What's wrong? Afraid your rich girlfriend will see us?" She jeered. 

"I deserve that. I do, but Kay, I just want us to talk."

"I don't know, Ryan, Deborah might feel you're away for too long."

"C'mon, this is ridiculous. All I ask is for five minutes. Please, Kay."

"I've never pegged you for a beggar." Her cynicism kicking into high gear.

"You're really going to make me do this?"

Kay tipped her glass to her lips, taking a slow casual sip of the amber fluid. Its sweet flavors danced deliciously on her tastebuds before she crossed her arms. She could get used to a little groveling after what he put her through.

Ryan stepped closer to her, the allure darkening his emerald eyes. Kay swallowed as his cologne swirled in circles around them.

One, two, three...exhale. She chanted in her mind.

Yes he smells good. Yes—I miss some parts of him, but I deserve better. I need more than just scraps!

His warm hand took a gentle hold of her wrist, breaking her resolve. He took the glass from her hand, placing it on the nearest table stand. Before she knew it, Ryan maneuvered her away from the crowd despite her inner protests. He closed the door to the lavish bathroom where he had her clean up before delivering the cold truth about their relationship.

"Why did you bring me here?"

"It blocks some of the sounds from the party and gives us a bit of privacy to talk."

"Talk about what? The fact that you want to rub your relationship in my face and how I was nothing but a good time?" She scoffed shaking her head.

"I understand your anger wholeheartedly, Kay. You deserve better than what I'd given you. You were nothing but good to me, and I shitted all over you."

"Why are you saying this to me? Why now? Of all times?" Ryan moved closer to her, the tip of his tongue running over his bottom lip. His hand rested gently against her arm as he leaned in slow to kiss her on the cheek.

"You were the best thing that ever happened to me. I shouldn't of left you," he whispered, his hand traveling to caress her shoulder. He inched closer until they were nose to nose, his lips mere inches from hers. The all to familiar Dior cologne invaded her senses, leaving her with a strange yearning for male attention—just not his.

A chuckle erupted from Kay before it burst into an amused laughter. He gazed at her, with confusion marring his features.

"Now I understand. You're never going to be satisfied are you?" She said, gingerly pushing him back and heading for the door.

"Kay wait, please. I just want to kiss you one last time." Ryan pulled her against him, but she planted her palm against his chest to keep him from closing the distance.

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