💸🕶Undercover spy🕶💸 (shitpost)

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really really short chapter lolol
no despair arc thing bitches cause im a hope person

Third person POV

"Holy shit. Tanaka look at this!" Souda yelled at Gundham. "What is it pink mortal?" Gundham said. "Look at these little spy costumes! They even have  glasses. Do you think-" Souda was interrupted by Tanaka. "Absolutely not." Gundham says in response.

"Come on, can't you be fun for one second, Tanaka?!! Let's try em' on!" Souda rushed his sentence. "Fine, Kazuichi." Gundham loves to see Kazuichi happy. He'd do anything to make that pink haired shark happy, since they were like, really gay for each other.

They were both changing in their dorms, waiting to meet each other outside their dorms. They both looked at each other and squealed. "Eek! You look so sexy! No homo though." Kazuichi said to Gundham, making him blush. "Let's go show this to the others!"

It was their lunch time, so they bust into the cafeteria with their spy outfits and fake guns. "Kazuichi?! Gundham?! Oh my, is that you?" Sonia said, running up to them. "We have no time for girls." Gundham responded. "Yeah! We're on a super secret mission" Kazuichi said, pointing the fake gun toward the wall. "Hey fuyuhiko! We're all matching!" "I suppose we are" Gundham chuckled. "I'll give you both 10 seconds to run before I pull out a real gun." Fuyuhiko says, reaching into his pocket. "EEK! OKAY WE'LL STOP!" Kazuichi cried out, hiding himself behind Tanaka.

i know, its super short😍
hope you guys enjoyed😜😜😜
word count lol: 262

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