Chapter 5: Chapter 4

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"You!" Curtin exclaimed, "Do you know Korean?!"

Cartien stared dumbly at his brother and said, "Of course I know Korean! Why do you know Korean?!"

"Because I'm Korean, dumbass!" It had been two years since Curtin had spoken his old language yet it didn't feel like it was that long on how the language smoothly came out of his mouth.

"Huh?!" Cartien felt very confused at the moment. "How are you Korean?! Aren't I the Korean one?!"

And here Curtin thought that he was the special one, something he wishes he wasn't if that meant that every time he thinks of starting anew in this new world he'd feel dizzy from the guilt of the only one being given the chance, the guilt of moving on you know, the reincarnated one!

"Doesn't that mean we're both Korean?" Curtin asked.

"Duh?" Of course, Cartien would give a sarcastic remark.

If Curtin's hands weren't tied he would've smacked that large head of his brother's.

"Then are you reincarnated as well?" Curtin asked in a 'too-fucking-tired-of-this-bullshit' tone.


The question was interrupted when they heard the door creak loudly, signaling that someone was about to enter the room, which made them clamp their mouth shut. Ceasing their whisper-shout conversation.

The two children stayed still, breaths controlled as if trained for years. Senses heightened to their maximum capacity.

Footsteps echoed through the silent cells.

Light from what Curtin guessed is a torch from how unsteady it is, seeped through the room. He could slightly deduct that it's already nighttime. But he isn't a hundred percent sure since the room is dark since there wasn't any light before the torch.

The footsteps stopped in front of their cell.

Behind the bars is a man, not quite ugly yet not quite eye-catching as well. But what Cartien is sure about is the man's IQ. Which looked very low since he didn't even attempt to hide his face.

A very stupid move, unless he's underestimating them since he and his twin are just two-year-old children. That doesn't change how stupid underestimating them sounded.

Hadn't the man who's the reason behind their capture briefed his men that the children that they were kidnapping are smart as hell?

Well, it just adds to their advantages and possibilities of their escape being more easier.

If Curtin was to describe the man who just entered, he looked like an extra in some random novel.

The man is tall from their point of view since the twins were sitting on the ground. The man clicked his tongue in an irritated manner making Curtin's eyebrow tick in irk.

"Unlucky brats," Curtin resisted scrunching his brows from how unpleasant the extra's voice was, "You could've just obeyed Baron Guano and handed him your mother."

The twins did not like how the man's tone turned creepier when he mentioned the words 'your mother'.

"It's both of your faults along with your stupid mother anyway. If she had just submitted herself to Mr. Guano then the Baron wouldn't have ordered us to kidnap the both of you and sell you to slave traders."

This just further solidifies Cartien's belief about their kidnappers being too stupid to even do their job more competently.

Curtin could only deadpan from the man's villain wannabe monologue. He had never thought that a day would come where some random kidnapper would monologue and completely reveal all their plans while doing so in front of him.

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