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(This is the dress your wearing for the wedding cause there was a cliffhanger I left out during the chapter anyways ON WE GO!)
Y/N's pov
This is the day me and newt have been dating for 12 months and 3 years after the battle with us and Nancy's gang when he surprisingly purposed to me at our 3rd year anniversary at Walt Disney world in star wars land he told the employees the day before our 3rd year anniversary he was going to purpose to me and was wondering if the employees and asked if Chewbacca who was my favorite star wars character if they can help and they yes next day I was talking with Rey since she was with chewbacca and Chewbacca left for a bit and came back with a sign and opened it with Rey holding it and it said 'will you marry me?' I looked so confused buy when I turned around to newt he was kneeling on one knee and holding a small box with a ring in it and I want straight towards him and hugged him and I whispered to him yes now its the day of my wedding and I am nervous "sis look at me your gonna be great and your gonna do great" Maddie says while Cho and Hermione did my hair and makeup "what if nancy ruins it again wha what if he changes his mind" I say worried as heck then vanya comes over to me "Y/n/n listen to me okay nancy is stuck in jail for 3 years and he won't change his mind okay so look at me take a deep breath in through your nose" she says and I take a deep breath in through my nose "and out through mouth" she instructed me and I breath out from my mouth "see your gonna do amazing so just relax and you'll be okay alright?" She says and I nod and I grab my bouquet of daisies and pink roses and my hair was in princess Leia like buns I just put lipgloss on that is supposed to be something called unicorn glow and a hint of sea breeze perfume and I put a hair pin in my hair that was a neon yellow with red splatters on it I looked beautiful then I heard a knock and saw my dad "wow sweetie you look so beautiful I wish your mother was here to see this she would be so proud of you right now" he says "thanks dad to be honest I'm a bit nervous" I said then I see Harriet, Teresa, Beverly, Maddie, Sonya, Vanya, and Katniss in their bridesmaids dresses it was a light pink and they held pink and white bouquets in their hands "wow guys you look so beautiful" I say "and so do you Y/n/n you'll do amazing plus even when my brother time traveled got stuck and came back as a kid you chose him as a ring bearer" vanya says "yea too bad I couldn't find a flower girl" I said "think again Y/n meet hinami my foster sister" Brenda says and she waves hello she was red pink petals in a basket and a cute Yellow white mixed dress and black shoes "hello hinami it's nice to meet you" I say and she smiles "sweetheart ya ready?" Dad says and I nod we all get ready when I hear the wedding song

(It's number 6 I chose a random one)
Once hinami tossed the flower petals I grab onto dad's arm and he walks me down I see the groomsmen Thomas, minho, Alby, gally, Fred and George, and aris then I see newt he's so handsome in that tuxedo we finish walking down and hold onto newts hands then the priest aka Jorge who was Brenda's dad figure comes up since...well he knew alot about being a priest "dearly beloved we are gathered here today to bring these 2 lovely people into a new life of marriage in holy metramony so I must ask Newt do you take this woman to be your lovely wife and forever take care of her and love her for eternity?" Jorge asks and he nods "I do" he says looking like he was crying with joy "and do you Y/n Russel take newt to be your longly wedded husband and to be honest and grateful of him for eternity?" He says and I nod "I do" I say "if anybody is wronged about this and feels to interrupt this happy couple and not be together speak now or forever hold your peace" Jorge says and nobody objected "then by the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride" Jorge says and me and newt kiss each other and a camera flashes and everybody cheers.

Timeskip due to minho and gally mumbling to each other on how lucky newt and Y/n are
Everyone was dancing happily and I toss the bouquet in the air to see who catches it and Beverly caught the bouquet which made me smile cause she always wanted Beverly to see the good in her future she says she wants to be a firefighter in the future so I support that in her Katniss always wanted to be a tv archer like in the sports shows but she decided she wants to work at a no kill shelter or a K-9 officer and rue is now 5 years old so I'm proud of her that she makes these decisions as for me I've decided to become an archeologist maybe I can find more legends on the titans that can trigger more childhood memories I was sitting looking at the beach when I felt hands over my eyes "guess who?" The voice says and I giggle "Hi newtie" I say and he removes his hands off my eyes and sat down next to me "how'd you know it was me love?" He says "your hands still smells like the cologne you put on cinnamon vanilla" I said and he scoots closer to me "everything okay love?" He says and I nod yes "I'm alright my love it's just all that happened us being titans and defeating nancy and her crew do ya ever wonder if there's more to what we think is ever going to happen?" I say and he puts his arm around me "I don't know love but whatever ya think we'll get through it together and if there is more that is to think out there whatever it is or who it is we'll face it together till the very end and we'll fight and fight till whatever is going on is all over I promise" he says and I turned to him and kiss his cheek "how'd I get a lucky husband like you?" I ask "maybe it was faith that brought us together...that or my sense of charm" he says and u splash him with a tiny bit of water and laugh "seriously? Oh it's on" he says and I get up and run from him with my shoes off feeling the water and sand between my toes and he caught up and caught me and spun me around "Newt put me down" I say gigging and he sets me down and I look at him with my hands on his cheeks "I love you my king" I say and he puts his hands over mine "I love you too my queen" he says now I know that this...this is my happily ever after
(KABLAM epilogue is done and now we have a Tokyo ghoul reference in here which I am so happy that I am almost done all that is left is the post credits and this book will be 100% complete I am so glad everyone likes my books I've made or fanfictions actually like I said if ya'll have any requests don't be afraid to message me on here or comment what you want next alright well ima get this published and find a video of the post credit scene for ya'll later guys VOLTRON OUT!)

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