the visit

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(Btw the music is Newt's ringtone for his phone anyways ON WE GO)
Y/n's POV
I wake up to my alarm clock which was a Gollum ringtone from Cho's favorite movie The Hobbit and Lord of the rings so I get up and shower I squirt some kiwi conditioner when I finished I put on a light green shirt with dark green shorts and I put my hair in a ponytail then my phone went off and it wasn't in here I enter back in my room and see Hermione holding it "you forgot this in your room and I call dibs on the shower" she says and I take it "thanks Hermione" I say and she gives me a thumbs up I look at my phone to see it's newt so I answer it "hello this is Y/n's phone" I say and I hear him chuckle in the background  'hey Y/n so me and the guys are planning on hanging out today and we were wondering if you and the girls would like to join it'll be at our old place when we were little' I hear him ask "yea sure we'd love to what time?" I ask him 'how bout you guys take your bikes there quick question do you know how to ride your bike?' He asks and I knew I couldn't ride bike "um no I don't know how to why do you ask?" I ask him 'ask Maddie to bring your bike I'll teach you how to' he says and I smile "that would be lovely thank you" I say 'hey anything for you and I mean it' he says "I'll meet you guys there in 20 minutes okay?" I say 'okay I'll talk to you later bye' he says "bye newt" and we hang up I walk straight to my room to see everyone is awake "hey guys grab your bikes Maddie think you can grab mine for me?" I ask her and she nods since we we're little all of us kept our bikes at our place so that way we get to places easier everyone gets dressed and with Mothra's soul inside of my bracelet I'm able to control it and my wound healed really fast no scar even I hop in my car while girl's put their bikes in the back and get in then we drive we then stop by our hangout place from when me and newt were here with everyone we here early so it was now about 18 minutes till they get here Hermione then asks "Where are we Y/n?" she asks then I smirk and get out of the car and so did they we grab our bikes and I lock my car "follow me ladies your about to see where I went all the time before I left" I tell them and we go down a path and that's when I see a little rock and flower petal trail it was daisy petals so we follow them till I finally see it our old treehouse and the girls look at it so amused "Y/n where are we?" Beverly asks and I smirk "welcome to the Gladers hideout but here we called it the Glade this was where me and newt and the others went to before I left" I tell them and they brought swimsuits too just incase "hey Cho can you hold rue's leash please I'm gonna go get some stuff I brought for her" she asks her and I see her nod so Katniss hands rue to Cho and runs back to the car really quick "so girls we only got about 15 minutes till the boys come wanna tour?" I ask them and they nod so I walk into a cave with a hidden flashlight and turn it on "Follow me girls this cave here is where we carve our names whenever a greenie joins" I tell them "greenie?" they say confused and I smirk "it's one of our slangs greenie or greenbean means newbie or new person last time I was here the greenie was our friend chuck young one but he's nice and sweet" I tell them I grab the hidden knife and hand it to them "use this and the hammer laying on the rock it's how we carve our name" I tell them as I hand Beverly the knife and hammer and she carves her name next to Minho's and she hands it to Maddie who signs next to Gally's and I smirk and she blushes Cho hands rue to Beverly and she signs her name next to frypan's and I look at the names and see mine next to newt's and I smile at the memories I notice Katniss and she carves her name next to Alby's I look at how long till they get here and it's only 14 minutes left and I see Hermione carving her name right next to Teresa's I remember when I 1st met her she was really friendly sweet she was Like a sister to me and Maddie and she tattled on Nancy's crew that's when we hear something and look at the entrance "did you guys hear that?" Hermione says and since I had the runner job it was pretty easy "I'll check it out" I say and slowly walk out of the cave brave and look around to see nothing but I knew who does this when I was 7 years old and I pretend I don't notice and turn to them "I don't see nothing" I say but then something knocks me over and that's when I knew there was only 1 thing who always did that to me I then feel a Lick on my cheek and Giggle and look up to see newt and Sonya's dog red and I keep giggling "okay okay you got me now get off of me red" I say smiling while wiping my cheek as red get's off of me and I scratch red's ear "wow I'm surprised you recognized me boy last time you saw me was when I was 13 now what are you doing here?" I say as he wags his tail and I giggle and get up "alright looks like we'll wait for the boys to come unless Sonya accidentally left the gate opened again" I say and walk to the entry of the cave "It's okay girls it's only newt and Sonya's dog red" I say and they walk out of the cave and they looked relieved to see that I'm okay and then they see red "Y/n who's this little cutie?" Beverly says kneeling down to pet red "this is newt's dog red Sonya must of left the gate opened for the 3rd time last time this happened red came to our house and somehow Sonya came for him the 1st time happened went straight to Hermione's since I was at her place for a sleepover" I say and that's when I see something I recognized I run to where the tire swing was to see the lake "girls over here is what we call the lake of the Glade where we go and swim" I say and they looked amazed "It's so beautiful" Beverly says and I smile at the sight of it then I hear blue jays singing "I haven't been here in a long time" I turn around and climb up to the treehouse and look around to see everything old, dusty, and cobwebbed that's when I see me and newt's old stack of books we read I then look at my watch and see that the boy's will be here in 5 minutes so I grab my old pin with the logo of Aqualad from DC aka Kaldur and one of medusa from marvel I smile and put the medusa one on and keep the Aqualad one for newt and climb down "hey girls boys will be here in 5 minutes" I say and they give me a thumbs up I decide to keep looking and see my favorite place I went to which was the old flower garden newt and Zart made for me it was full of roses and dandelions and sunflowers but most importantly daisies I saw that Zart has been taking care of the garden I look at the tree that me and newt carved our initials on it and I smile at some of our memories I decided to walk back to where the girls were they found some old stuff here then I hear red bark I turn around to see him digging something up "hey girls I think red found something looks like it must be good" I say and we gather up to help red and we find a box then I look shocked "no way I can't believe it's still here after all this time" I say and pick up the box and sit on a rock and open it "girls what red found here is the Gladers one and only time capsule" I say and I see old memories I pick up a frypan "omg I totally forgot siggy put this in here this my friends is how fry got his name" I say and they smile "who's the rabbit foot from?" Maddie asks and I look at it and I smile "this was what Chuck put in here he said putting it in here would give future us good luck guess he was right" I said and they smile "how long til the boys come?" Maddie says and I smirk "why do you ask?" I say and she blushes "um no reason" she says and I chuckle I look at my phone "about 1 minute" I say and she nods and I see what newt left in here it was the dolls we kept for each other and I smile then I hear bikes so I go up to the watch tower and look through the telescope and see the boys "Their here!" I say and I look down to see them I cup my hands to my mouth and say 1 thing to them "WHAT'S THE PASSWORD!" I yell to them and I can see them looking around so I do it again "UP HERE GOOBERS I SAID WHAT'S THE PASSWORD!" I say and they look up and I see newt smile and hear him chuckle "um is it awesome Gladers or Y/n is coolest?" he plays along and I chuckle "you know I was joking right?" I say and he nods so I slide down the pole as newt comes in "hey guess who found us btw" I said "hmm Teresa?" he says and I shake my head "Brenda?" he guesses again I shake my head again "okay I give up who?" he says and I chuckle "I'll give ya a hint it's an animal and is named after a color and belongs to you" I say and he finally gets it "no way red how?" He says and I shrug "3 guesses 1. your sister left the gate opened again 2. snuck out or 3. Sonya tried to get a leash on him but escaped and found us here" I say and he chuckles "that does sound like her so where is he?" he asks "with my friends but it's okay last time I remember red he was a people dog" I say and he smirks "so you do remember our childhood I'm surprised you didn't forget did you bring your bike?" he asks and I nod and get on it "alright so what you do is pedal and keep your balance on the handles and the bike and to break squeeze this handle here or move the pedals backwards" he says and I get nervous so he holds onto my seat and gives me a believing smile "it's okay I promise I won't let go till your ready to" he says and I nod and move my pedals and he moves his legs and I feel him let go of the seat then I noticed I was doing it "newt I'm doing it! I'm actually doing it!" I say with excitement and he smiles then he looks worried "Y/N WATCH OUT!" he yells I didn't notice it till I hit a tree branch and fell off I then see newt running towards me "are you okay little phoenix?" he asks me and I nod and smile "you remembered our nicknames" I say and he smiles "I could never forget our nicknames love" he says and I blush and he moves my bangs back and leans in towards me and I just stare at him and do the same our lips were hovering over each other it was just about to touch till Red knocked us apart and we just giggle and red goes towards newt and I see newt chuckling as he pets red "hey boy how'd you get out and how did you find little phoenix?" he says and red just lays in his lap and he chuckles this was like Christmas when we fell asleep on the couch when we were 5 years old and I scoot towards him "looks like it was a little escape plan must of picked up your scent just like when he got out" he says and I lay my head on his shoulder "yea it is by the way newt when you were dating Nancy the bully I could tell that she was making you feel so uncomfortable and not wanting to give you a choice but no matter what I knew someday we would return to each other just like when we got lost when we were 6 years old" I say and he smiles and put's his head on top of mine and I could tell he was blushing "you know I'm glad someone get's me the childhood friend and my queen" he says and I blush then we hear leaf's rustling so we get up and then we become scared red starts growling "ow stupid old sneakers why do I always forget the holes" a familiar voice says and I recognized who it was and a figure appears in a Black hoodie with ripped jeans and Red sneakers and I move newt and red behind me while I was shocked "Aris?" I say and he looks at me and smiles "Y/N! oh thank god I found you here and that your back we've missed ya too much, oh hey newt" he says and newt waves "so what are you doing here we haven't seen you since we were 8" I say "oh that's right are you with the others?" he asks and we nod "well get them fast they're gonna wanna hear this" he says and I get my bike and pedal there while newt rides his bike and Aris and red run besides us once we get back to the treehouse and newt grabs the meeting horn and activates it then we see everyone run to where we are "newt what's the reason we were just having fun wait Aris?" Minho says and he waves "alright Aris what did you wanna tell us" newt says "Draco wanted me to deliver a message to you guys as a warning you 2 aren't the only ones with charms of the titans souls" he says and we looked shocked "what do you mean why did Draco wanna warn us about that and why is that bad?" Thomas says "that's the thing he has a charm of the head of a 3 headed dragon the right head" he says and I gasp newt looks at me worried "Y/n/n what's wrong why is that shocking?" Newt asks and I uncover my mouth with tears falling "he has the soul of Kevin the right head which is the one who saved me and Maddie when we were kids the day mom died" I say and Maddie comes over to me and hugs me and newt joins in the hug too and I hug back and they pull back from the hug except newt who keeps his arms around me "what did he wanna warn us about?" Maddie asks "that's the other thing he wanted me to warn you about Y/n Oliver and Lavender they have the other heads souls and Nancy has the pterodactyl soul they're planning on using them on you when they get out of prison" he says and me and Maddie's eyes widen "Ghidorah and Rodan but how It's impossible" we say "that's what they thought but apparently those titans looked at them" he says "and Draco doesn't want that to happen?" Katniss says and Aris nods "what do we do?" Beverly says and I stand up "we fight I know that they're bullies but when they have the enemies charm and Draco is the only nice one we've experienced stuff like this In our own childhood before we all met so I say it's time we stand our ground, stand up I say we fight till we defeat them so the question is who's with me?" I say no one stands up till I see newt stand up "Y/n is right if we have the souls of the titans who knows what could happen and we can't just let them do this stuff to us if they ruin our one night together then we can do it so I'm in" he says and I smile Maddie stands up "me too if Draco is on our side then we gotta support him that and sisters stick together no matter what" she says Then Beverly and Katniss stands up "well we can't let you have all the fun of fighting besides we fight and we're just like ya" Katniss says and she lifts her sleeve up showing a gorilla tattoo and Beverly shows her tattoo of a lizard on her back they were colored in black and grey "Skull crawler and King Kong but how?" I ask "let's just say we ran into each other at skull island" Beverly says then Minho stands up with Teresa "what can we say behemoth and Scylla are always up for tasks" he says and they show their charms Aris stands up too with Gally and Alby "and since me and Gally are Muto's we're in and Alby here is well let's just say he's part of Monarch as a prime Muto" they show their charms and they all stand up "we're all with you Y/n no matter what and besides we secretly have magic" Hermione says and they show their wands so I look at Aris "tell Draco we're in besides me and Maddie we know people from monarch who can help" I say and Maddie nods and Aris runs to tell Draco "let's head to my house guys we need to warn my dad and the others besides they get released on the day when the dance is" they nod and we grab our bikes run to our vehicles.


We get to my place and open the door "girls there you are oh hey newt why you guys look scared" dad asks "Dad you need to contact Diane, Ilene and Ling Nancy Oliver and Lavender have the charms and souls of Ghidorah 2 heads and Rodan and planning on attacking us on the day of the dance" I say and he looks shocked "and your sure that's what you heard?" he says and we nod "well I guess I'm out of retirement again the Russel family are back" he says and we all hug "get ready girls and boys we all have a dance tomorrow" I say and we all go to rooms and I decided to share with newt so I knock i hear a faint come in so I open the door to see him in his Hawkeye pj's and he see's me in my Gamora pj's "I think we picked the wrong pj's" he says and I giggle "say do ya mind if i join you tonight I let Teresa have my bed and I don't wanna sleep with Minho because he snores" i say and he smiles "of course you can besides that's why i didn't pick his room either he drools too" he says and i giggle so he lift up his T-rex blanket and i crawl in with him and cuddle up with him with my head laying on his chest just like back at the hospital "Y/n is now the time to say i love you" he asks and i kiss his cheek "i love you too newt" i say and we cuddle up together and fall asleep.

Aris's POV  

I crawl into Draco's cell through the vent "so what did they say?" he asks me and i nod "they're in and they'll help fight them" i tell them "good i don't wanna hurt Y/n anymore it was just wrong" and i nod "get some sleep tomorrow is your release" i tell him and he nods and goes to sleep and i crawl back and runout of the vents and see Harriet and Mary and Sonya and Vince "are you sure they'll be able to defeat them?" Vince asks me "i promise their the best fighters i have ever known" i say "good with my brothers limp and his friends we'll stop them once and for all" Sonya says it's time the right arm returns.

(WOOOOOOOOOO sorry guys had to do that but the battle scene with a dance that is EPIC ahem sorry now what do you think is gonna happen also it is now 5 months since me and the bestest boyfriend I've ever wanted have been dating and i love him but the person i hope i meet in the future is my celebrity idol and hero Thomas Brodie-Sangster and the maze runner cast but anyways announcement time i would like to say that my new co assistant and helper will be my one and only friends Myranda and Shelby they are my new partners in this story but also the one person who is the one who helped me slinky anyways i better get some sleep i have full time school now later guys VOLTRON OUT) 

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