the party

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(this is the swimsuit you'll be wearing I'll add what others are wearing)

Y/n's POV

Me, Beverly, Katniss, Cho, Hermione, and Maddie arrive at our house we stopped at there place to grab their bags and we got out of the car and Maddie hands me my keys "thanks sis your actually a pretty good at driving" I tell her "thanks sis so did you girls remember your bathing suits?" she asks us and we nod "never leave unprepared" Beverly says so we run upstairs and I change into my swimsuit and grab my swim goggles "really Y/n you brought your goggles" Cho says "hey you know me I like going underwater remember what happened when I was 7 years old and we went swimming for a field trip?" I say "ah yes you had to go to the teacher for eye drops" she says then I see Beverly wearing a 2 piece swimsuit with cherries "wow Beverly you look so pretty" I say "thank you Y/n/n" she says then Cho comes out in a 1 piece swimsuit."okay that looks amazing on you Cho" I say and she smiles "it's my swimsuit for party's" she says "well it definatly is pretty" then Katniss came out in a super cute swimsuit."now that is cute where did you get that?" Cho asks "it was my sisters before she died" she told me then Maddie came out in a amazing swimsuit we made together when I was 6 years old."is that the swimsuit I made you when I was 6 years old?" I ask her and she nods "I kept it and finished it for you what do you think?" she asks "spectacular" I say smiling and finally Hermione comes out in a knowledge look on her that is actually cute."okay that is adorable" I say and everyone nods "hey girls you want me to grill up some burgers?" we hear dad say and they nod "sure dad" I say we go to grab our stuff then the doorbell rang and Hermione goes to answer it "Hi you must be Ling and Ilene Chen?" she says and they nod "we're sorry we're late we had to get something for Y/n's return" Ling says "she's our little monarch we wanted to get her a gift for her coming back speaking of which where is she?" Ilene says "I'm her friend Hermione Granger she's just getting sunblock on come on in" she says and they come in with twin swimsuits that are purple they put the presents on the table me and the girls go in the pool I take the diving board and do a cannon ball off of it and go underwater when I pop my head up I see Maddie and Cho wet on the sun bathing chairs so I giggle "seriously Y/n that was not cool" Cho says "for me it was" I say still giggling I then see Katniss with a watergun and then she squirts the 2 girls "oops sorry" she says "oh it's on now" Cho says her and Maddie grab squirt guns and get Katniss and me once I saw Ilene and Ling then Beverly and Hermione push me in the water so I pop my head and look at them "so not cool you guys" I say and we all giggle "looks like you need a hand little Russel" I hear a familiar voice and swim around to see Diane "hey Diane" I say she looks at me smirking giving me a hand "where have you been little Russel I haven't seen you since you were 6 years old" she asks me "well me and Oliver broke up so I went to San Francisco where I met my roommates Beverly marsh and Katniss Everdeen and her puppy rue" I say "well it is good to see you again" she says "hello little monarch" I see Ilene and Ling "hey guys long time no see" I say "how was San Francisco your sister told us all about it" Ling says and I give her a thumbs up "oh by the way this is Beverly and Katniss my roommates" I say "it is an honor to meet you 2" they both say "you 2" Beverly and Katniss says then I hear the doorbell ring "no worries guys I'll get it" I said I get out of the pool and answer the door and see someone I haven't seen in a long time so I decided to pretend I didn't know him "can I help you?" I say "yes is this Y/n Russel's place?" he says and I nod "that's me who are you?" I ask him "Y/n it's me Oliver Wood" he says "Oliver what are you even doing here I told you during your game we were through" I say angry "I know but I miss us being together I wanna take you back" he says "you want me back after what happened when you KISSED PANSY PARKINSON DURING THE JUNIOUR HIGH SNOWBALL!" I yell at him "I know and I regret it" he says it seems like my roommates and friends noticed but then Hermione came up with an idea and walks to me and Oliver "Oliver why are you here?" she asks I look at her confused she looks at me and winks then I knew what she was up to "I just came here to ask Y/n to take me back" he says "sorry but she can't she's already taken" she says and he looks at me shocked "by who?" he says me and Hermione think of someone that's when I had an idea "Oh you didn't hear I'm dating someone Newt as in Sonya's brother the guy with the accent" I tell him and he looks at me jealous newt used to be the head of track but one day he got depressed and I called 911 when he Committed suicide but he was still alive he was still able to play sports at school but not track cause of his limp so he decided to play Soccer with Alicia he was Left center and he was pretty good at it "whatever enjoy newt" Oliver says and walks away and Hermione closes the door as I blush "aw does someone have a crush on newt?" Hermione asks me "okay I may have a tiny crush on him but there is no way he would like a girl like me" I say "are you serious do you remember how you stared at him and you almost got caught staring at him when he was Studying with Minho" Hermione says "I remember I almost got caught staring at him during science class it's too bad he won't talk to me because of Nancy" I say sadly "girl are you kidding me you didn't hear Newt broke up with Nancy wheeler the cheer captain at school" Hermione says and I looked at her shocked "wait seriously why?" I ask "well we recorded you getting bullied by her and showed it to newt and a teacher now they're ex's and she's suspended for 4 months" she says and I smile "girls maybe until burgers are ready you can go upstairs and open some of your gifts you got" dad says to me and we nod and race each other upstairs and we see gifts upstairs and the one that got my attention was a gift that had monarch pattern wrapping paper with a red sticky bow on top it says to Y/n but no name "hey girls someone left this here with no name" I say and we gather on the bed and open it and we see a box "huh this is some pretty good stuff in here" Katniss says I then notice there was a note so I grab it and open it then read it 'Y/n I hope you enjoy these it took me bit to find this stuff and make sure to watch the video tape welcome back Y/n/n -newt P.S. I missed you' I start to cry a bit of tears of joy "Y/n what's wrong?" Hermione asks and I hand her the letter and she reads it out loud "whoa he finally started talking to you again" she says happily "you know he works as a cashier at McDonald's he works from 8am to 3pm" Cho says and I smile I look in the box and see a picture of me and him when we were 11 in 6th grade I was Pikachu and he was ash Ketchum it says best Halloween ever "hey Bev Kat check this out this is us during Halloween" I say handing them the photo and Katniss holds it with Bev "aww is this you 2?" Beverly asks "correct in 6th grade we made these costumes and his sister Sonya went as a superhero named agent strike and she made a plastic weapon which was a fake katana and her friend Aris jones went as a vampire" I say and they smile "you guys must of been good friends" Katniss says "or good secret crushes" Hermione says "really guys?" I say smirking and they just giggle "relax Y/n you know I have a crush on Cedric Hermione can have Viktor Crum" Cho says and she looks at her "Seriously we're just friends" Hermione says and we chuckle then I grab the baseball that he caught for me during new York "is that the baseball from the game he took you to during the summer trip to new York?" Cho asked and I nod "I'm surprised he kept it I thought he threw it away or gave it to his dog red" I say red was his and Sonya's golden retriever he was 8 months old so he was still a pup "sounds like he might of just hid it under his pillow" Hermione says then I see something so I pick it up and see the locket he gave me 1 side was Sonya and him and the other was me and him hugging each other and on the entrance of the locket is our initials NN + Y/I on it "is that your locket he gave you I thought Nancy burned that" Hermione says then I see another note and open it 'Y/n just letting you know yes Nancy burned your locket on purpose when she said it was an accident so I picked it up and took it to Gally's mom to fix it it's perfectly brand new for you -Newt' he did this just for me I smile at the locket and hand the letter to Beverly as Katniss helped me put the locket on "aww he's so sweet" Beverly says then I heard a knock at my door and Maddie opens it "guys dad says burgers are ready you can open the rest of the presents later" she says and we nod and head downstairs and get our burgers "oh Hermione I made a veggie burger cause I know your a Vegan" dad says and she nods "thanks Mr. Russel" Hermione says "oh please you can call me Mark" dad says she nods as we grab plates and grab our food and we eat then Ilene and Ling stand up "we should probably head back home now but thank you for inviting us mark by the way welcome back little monarch" Ling says "enjoy our gifts" Ilene says "I will and thank you" I say to them as they grab their stuff and leave we finished eating and put our plates and cups in the sink "I should probably head out as well it's getting late it was nice to see you again little Russel and Madison" she says grabbing her purse "you too Diane and tell Rick and Sam I say hello" I tell her "will do little Russel" she says heading out to her car "we'll be upstairs dad" Maddie and I say he gives us the okay symbol we go to my room and look at the gifts some more I opened Ling's present and it was perfume and the scent was cherry blossom "yay she got more perfume" Katniss says and we all giggle then I open Ilene's gift and she got me butterfly pattern curtains "dibs on them" I say and we hear more giggles then I open Diane's gift "whoa it's a poster of Mothra that titan you were friends with" Maddie says "wait she was friends with some titans awesome" Katniss says and Maddie nods so we put those aside and look in the box more I see something "think that's the video tape he mentioned?" Hermione asks I look at it and it says 'Y/n, newt, Sonya's memories' I look in shock "it's a tape of our memories" I say "play it we gotta see what it has in it" Katniss says "fun fact her and newt knew each other when they were 4 years old in daycare" Cho says I put in the tape and it shows a scene of us when we were in daycare when it was naptime and I was crying cause I lost my stuffed butterfly when the assistant teacher was looking for it while the teacher was recording til newt woke up and he hands her a stegosaurus doll and I stopped crying and gently grabbed it "you can have it until Mrs.Tonks finds your butterfly doll" he says and I nod while tears still fall down my eyes and scoots closer and put's his hands on my cheeks and wipes the tears away gently with his thumb "shh don't cry it's okay I'm here shh" he says now hugging me and I hugged back in the video and he pats to the spot next to him and I scoot over to him and he put's his arm over me by cuddling it calmed me down and I put my arm over him as well "my name's newt what's yours?" he says "my name is Y/n" I say smiling and we sleep taking a nap then the next scene comes on when we were 5 years old and he had a ukulele and we sing our song we made called thundering love "~When the thunder roars the hearts come out to the stars of night letting the lighting strikes a spark on the hearts letting the thunder fall in the thundering love" we sang together "Aw you guys are really cute and good singers" Beverly says "shh I wanna hear this" Hermione says the scene changes to our first day of school during a musical "you are my sunshine my only sunshine you make us happy when the skies are grey" everyone sang except me then it was me and newts solo and I got scared so newt came up to me and held my hand for comfort and I look at him and smile then at the microphone "your never know dear how much I love you" I sang "please don't take my sunshine away" newt finished and we heard clapping so me and newt bowed then it switched to when we were 7 in gym class during dodgeball and then I got hit with a dodgeball in the nose really hard we heard a whistle blow "TIMEOUT EVERYONE PAUSE THE GAME!" the gym teacher says running towards me and then newt see's me and gets worried and runs to me "Y/n!" he says he kneels next to me joining him was Allison Hargreeves and Ginny "Y/n are you okay?" Allison asks me and I shake my head no "my nose hurts and I thinks it's dripping" I say and they worry even more "Allison can you go and call her sister or father or get the school nurse" the gym teacher asks her and she nods running out the door and Ginny knew who threw that dodgeball at me and walked up to Lavender Brown "WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU LAVENDER THAT MIGHT HAVE BROKEN HER NOSE!" she yells at her "it's not my fault at least she'll be less prettier" she says laughing and Ginny punched her in the eye "NEVER MESS WITH HER AGAIN AND HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT SHE IS BEAUTIFUL AND KIND SO DON'T EVER SAY THAT ABOUT HER AGAIN!" she yells again walking back to me and noticed I got a floor burn and it was bad "miss I'm going to my cubby to get my first aid kit for her floor burn" she says and the gym teacher nods "Lavender I'm afraid your gonna have to go to the principals office with your parents til then your on the sidelines" the gym teacher tells her and she let's out a gasp then I look at newt "is it bad?" I ask him removing my hand on my nose and blood coming down my nose and down to the inside of my mouth "it's not that bad it actually makes you look cool" he says grabbing a tissue and wiping the blood away from the corner of my mouth gently then I smile with teeth showing and he noticed something white next to her and he picks it up and he smiles "Y/n you lost a tooth" he says happily so I grab my emergency plastic bag and open it "here you can put it in here" I say to him and he put's it in there and I close it "are you okay now?" he asks me I nod a little bit "my nose still hurts" I say and he smiles and holds my hand in the video "it's gonna be alright it'll hurt only for a bit okay?" he says and I nod then smile with blood on my teeth then Allison comes in "Madison is on her way to pick her up and take her home" she says and the teacher nods and Ginny comes back with her first aid kit and fix's up her floor burn then it switch's to picture day when we were 8 I didn't smile because I thought my missing tooth hole is weird so newt whispered something to the teacher and she whispers to the photographer and he nods to her then newt comes to me "hey it's okay you can smile no one will think it's weird not even me and if people bully you they're just jealous that they don't have your life okay?" he says to me and I nod and he walks away and gives me a thumbs up then he makes a funny face and it makes me smile and laugh showing my gap where my tooth was and he smiles as well then it skips to when we were 9 years old and it shows us together during a movie and he put's his arm around me and I scoot closer and put my head on his shoulder "awww still so cute" Beverly says Cho and Hermione sh's her and she mouths sorry then it skips to when we we're 10 in our Halloween costumes where I was a cowgirl and he was a cowboy we had toy horse's we we're playing with and then we we're pretending they we're real I accidentally roped his leg I look at him and he looks at me and we giggle then we we're 11 in 6th grade I was cheering on newt in track and he cheered for me to hope I make it in the softball team which I did and he did as well then it shows our costumes "Pikachu I choose you!" he says and I jump out from behind him "Pikachu" I say and use a jolt ring and shocked newt "Ow" he says "oh sorry I thought it was fake are you okay?" I ask and he nods then it shows a scene where he had the camera for April fools day and he picks me up softly and put's me on a pool floatie and he softly chuckles "Y/N HURRY WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!" he yells from behind the camera "WAIT WHAT!" then I fall in the pool and I pop my head out from the water "really?" I say "APRIL FOOLS!" he says laughing "oh yea watch this" I says pulling him in and he pops his head and camera out "not cool Y/n btw be lucky it's actually 4am and that this is waterproof" he says and we both chuckle then it skips to the next scene where I got a homerun in softball then when I had the camera when going to the hospital I walk into his room "hey buddy how's your leg?" I say he looks at me and smiles "it hurts" he said and I chuckle "well it's like what you said to me when I was little it only hurts for a bit" I say chuckling and he chuckles a bit too "that is true but that happened with your nose" he says "good point but I have some bad news apparently your going to have a limp cause of what happened so you can't be in track anymore but they said you could join the soccer team with Alicia" I say "hmm that does sound better than track because I kept getting cramps" he says and we giggle "and to help I will give you this softball I caught for you and I'm gonna leave the softball team to help you out more" I say and he blushes "aww thanks little Phoenix" he says "no problem big phoenix" I say and we giggle "aww are those your nicknames for each other?" Katniss asked and I nod to her then the next scene comes up and I have a sharpie so I signed his cast with a heart and I smile behind camera then it skips to school when I have my vlogging camera "Hey guys so today newt get's out of the hospital YAY I missed seeing him in school but I kept getting bullied by Nancy Wheeler but her brother mike is really nice to me I wish the bullying would stop anyways later" I say in the video then it skips to where I'm waiting for newt and he comes through the doors so I roll his window down "hi buddy yo how was it in the hospital?" I ask him in the video and he smiles again "to be honest not bad I got a mark on my cast with a heart on it from you know who" he says smirking at me and we both giggle "oh here is your camera back by the way" I say handing his camera back gently "why thank you" he says "your welcome my buddy" I say and we drive off then it goes to the next scene where it's at junior high snowball aka the winter dance and it looked like newt was looking for me and he goes to Minho "Yo min have you seen Y/n? I can't find her anywhere" he asks him "yea she ran in one of the empty hallways crying do you know what happened?" he says and newt shakes his head "no but I'm gonna go find out thanks min" he says to him and it skips a bit in the empty hallway "Marco" he says "P Polo" I said in the video sobbing so he looks where the art room door was and saw me crying so he limp runs to me worried and put's the camera down between us and he hugs me and hug back crying in his shoulder in my red dress and light green flats and newt rubs circles in my back trying to calm me down "hey shh it's alright it's okay I'm here don't worry shh" he says softly and he pulls back and cups my cheeks with his hands wiping the tears away gently "what happened why are you crying?" he asks me I then sniffed still crying a bit "I s saw O Oliver k kissing P Pansy P Parkinson near the b bathrooms" I say stuttering and he calm me down "hey it's okay you don't need that boy anyways besides he's a big jerk and he should never do that to a girl this beautiful" he says still wiping tears away and I nod still crying and he had an idea "I was gonna save this for your birthday or Christmas or even til you were 13 but I got something for you" he says and he uncuffs my cheeks and grabs something from his aquamarine tuxedo pocket and hands me the exact same locket I have now and he put's it on my neck "it's a locket with me and Sonya and me and you so where ever we go we can keep it to remember each other by no matter what" he says so in the video I hugged him with tears of joy falling down "thank you newt" I say and he hugs me back giggling a bit "hey your welcome but we should back to the dance if you want I can dance with you" he says and I nod and it skips a scene where we're slow dancing and it skips to after the dance is done "thank you newt for everything I literally owe you one" I say and kiss his cheek and he blushes "y your welcome" he says smiling then Maddie honked the horn so in the video I wave bye to him then it turned to when I was 12 the sad day I see newt with Nancy and I needed help with studying for a test for my history class we're learning about Harriet Tubman my best friend was even named after her "hey newt I was wondering if you wanna study for our history test?" I ask but he just walked right passed me but then I went to breakfast and see Hermione, Cho, and Susan "hey guys anyone up for studying for my history test ?" I ask and Hermione nods her head "why didn't you ask newt?" Susan said "this is gonna be weird but I asked him but he just ignored me I don't know why but this happened ever since he started dating her" I say and we see Nancy glaring at me and dragged newt towards her for a kiss on the cheek "it is a bully situation but I got an idea does she beat you up in the locker room before science class?" Cho asks and I nod then it skipped to a scene when we were 13 where I tried talking to newt later on after school "newt why are you ignoring me did I do anything wrong you missed our study time and you missed free time what is wrong?" I ask him "you wanna know what's wrong fine YOUR ANNOYING AND I DON'T EVEN WANNA BE AROUND YOU YOUR JUST A BABY WHENEVER SOMETHING HAPPENS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE A CRYBABY AND A NERD!" and he walks away so I ran to Harry and Hermione crying and she hugs me "shh hey what happened?" she asked me and Harry hugs me too "n newt h hates me he thinks I'm a annoying and a baby then he says he doesn't wanna be around me and that I'm a c crybaby and a nerd" I say crying in her shoulder "it's Nancy she's just a bad influence on him it'll be over soon I promise" she says "if it makes you feel better I'll walk you home Y/n?" Harry offers and I nod then it skips to a vlog camera where I'm at the school early taping a note telling newt I left because of Nancy and if I would ever come back and leave my locket with it and I turn the camera over to me "here I am going to San Francisco I can't handle leaving home but this is me it's time for a fresh start make new friends have a fresh start I'm sorry guys but I'll be okay I'll see you next time" then it goes to his vlog camera he started to walk inside "hey newt wait" Hermione says and he turns around to see her Cho Harry and Susan "hey guys what's up?" he ask "we gotta show you and the teacher something it's important" Harry says "oh o okay" newt says then it skips to when newt saw the video with Mrs.McGonagall our social studies teacher when I got beaten up by Nancy wheeler in the locker room "oh my that is terrible we'll deal with this at lunch til then get to your 3rd period class Harry I want you to get her for me during lunch okay?" she says and harry nods then he went to his locker and see's a note taped to his locker and he reads it 'dear newt If you find this note and your reading it then I'm gone away from the school and from Boston to get a fresh start I'm sorry but what you did hurt my feelings I will miss you newt and everyone but not the bullies or my ex but my friends and family but I'm going away on a plane I'm sorry newt goodbye love Y/n Russel' he was sad and his hand picked up my locket so then he ran to the front of the school crying with tears looking at the locket he gave her and the one he is wearing then the locket got burned by a lighter "NO!" I heard him yell "oops sorry baby it was an accident" she says hugging him then it skipped to lunch "yo newt you look down you okay?" Hermione says "it's Y/n she's gone she left the country and it's all my fault" I hear him crying "it's not your fault if anything it's Nancy's she dragged her away from you" she says "your right I need to break up with her" I hear newt and it skips to the teacher scene "Nancy wheeler did you beat up a student in the Locker room?" the teacher said "so what if I did she was a loser and a wimp anyways" I heard Nancy say "Harry get her brother and tell the office to call her parents to pick her up Nancy wheeler I hear by suspend you for 4 months" the teacher says "what why newtie baby tell them not to do this please" Nancy says "no Nancy I'm tired of this 1st you made me bully other kids then made me avoid the girl I always had a crush on since I was 4 and now you made her leave Boston I can't do this anymore so here's what I say we're through" newt says walking away with his camera and I look shocked at this video then it goes to 1 last scene a vlog and it's him "hey little phoenix if your watching this then it's true what I said on the tape I never wanted to do anything like this but I also heard you were back in town and that really made me wanna see you I wanted to smile when I look at you it made me feel like a smiling sun you get what I mean but most importantly I missed you too I better get ready for work now welcome home Y/n" he says then the tape ends there then I noticed everyone fell asleep so I turn off the TV and went to bed as well.

(KAPOW we got maze runner and stranger things and umbrella academy crossovers going on looks like we got ourselves a crush for the reader and boy I hope nothing bad happens but now we know what happened and who the gifts were from such a good idea I had to even stay up all night to write this hate to say this but it was worth it and my fingers hurt but worth it as well anyways 5 days left til spring dance on the beach in summer who will ask Y/n to go will it be A. Oliver the ex, B. newt the childhood crush, or C. Fred Weasley the prank buddy anyways I'm gonna get some sleep night guys GALAXY OUT)

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