the date

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(this is the dress the reader will wear during her date with newt hope it goes good or will it I guess we'll find out anyways ON WE GO

Newts POV

I can't believe I newt finally ask my crush Y/n and my long time friend on a Date okay stay calm newt it's only 2 days til spring dance Then I can ask her tomorrow or maybe today who knows

"Guys I don't know what to wear and my date is in 13 minutes what do I do? what do I say? what cologne should I wear? should I even wear any? oh I'm so nervous" I tell them and they stop me there "dude answers be yourself for 1 and 2 just say what you wanna say and 3 yes cologne and 4 wear this one it makes you smell like cherries everything will be okay man" Minho tells me "and to make it even better I got you this" Gally says and shows me a light green tuxedo with blue bow tie "It's perfect" I say and he smiles and Alby comes in with a ear piece "and if you get stuck we're here for you" he tells me "Alright guys operation makes newts date awesome is a go" he says and they nod this is gonna be good.

Y/n's POV

Teresa hands me a dress she made during the hospital and Hermione comes in and she hands me green flats and I try it on and it looks beautiful Cho then grabs a monarch butterfly clip and put's it in so then my bangs stay back from my eyes Beverly comes in with a necklace that had a wolf on it and put's it on me then Katniss comes in with perfume "what scent is that?" I ask her "it's mango scented might make you smell tropical" she tells me and sprits some on my neck and finally Maddie comes in with my now polished bracelet and put's it on "thanks again Maddie hey how long until my date?" I ask them and Hermione checks her phone "in 4 minutes" She says and I smile as Cho gets up and does my makeup but she only does lip gloss and light yellow eye shadow "perfect I did only light stuff so it be easier" she tells me and I nod "we only have 2 minutes left how about we chat what do you think what kind of flowers do you think he'll bring?" Hermione asks "I hope he brings red roses or daisies" I tell them as we started talking "Maddie come on there's gotta be someone you like?" Hermione says "aright I'll tell you it's Gally" she tells us and we got excited then the doorbell rang and rue put her head up "I'll get it" Hermione says and goes downstairs with rue following her we keep talking til we heard Hermione "Y/n your prince charming is here!" she yells and I prepare myself to run downstairs but Maddie stops me and does a sideways bun for my hair and gives me a thumbs up I then go downstairs and he looks at me shocked "hi newt" I say to him "h hi" he says back to me smiling and I noticed he has a bouquet of daisies "are those for me?" I ask him and he nods I take the flowers and smell them "they're beautiful newt they're also my favorites how did you know?" I ask him smiling "I guess it's just a lucky guess" he tells me and I put the flowers in a vase with water in it gently "shall we?" he says and I take his hand "we shall" I say to him then Maddie yelled out "HAVE HER HOME BY 10:30!" I look at her "Maddie!" I say to her and she gives me a thumbs up and close the door "is she always like that?" he asks me "a protective sister yes" I say and we giggle and walk to our location.


We get to our location and I see it's a hill? "a hill classy newt real classy" I tell him he smiles and chuckles a bit "it's not just a hill it's something else" he tells me we sit on top of the hill and he blows out the candle and it shows a ton of stars then I knew what we were doing "star gazing that's why you brought me here to star gaze how did you know that this is my favorite thing to do?" I ask him and he smirks "well I remember when we were 5 you would always stare at the stars" he tells me so I smile he grabs something from beside him and shows it to me and I smile "it's a daisy I saved on so then I could do this" he says and put's it behind my ear and I smile "your beautiful" he says and I blush thank goodness it's dark out for him to notice "so how did you get half of Godzilla's soul?" I ask him and he looks at the stars "well when I was 2 red had escape his leash and me being the big brother since Sonya was younger she was 2 months old and as the big brother I ran after him that's when I saw Godzilla fighting against the Muto I noticed he was losing so I grabbed a missle launcher from one of the dead guards and I shot it at the Muto I hit it but it noticed me before it had a chance to attack me Godzilla saved me and he looked at me and gave me this necklace with half of his soul in it when I found red me and my family ran to the bunker and hid in it" he tells me and I look at hid necklace "so that's how you got yours cool" I tell him and smile I scoot closer to him and rest my head on his shoulder then I kiss his cheek and I could tell he's blushing and we stay there for a bit.


"Thank you again newt for taking me out on that date I had a great time tonight" I tell him and he smiles "me too hey Y/n do you maybe wanna go to the spring dance with me as my date?" he asks me and I smile back "Newt I would love to go with you I was actually going to ask you the same thing" I tell him and he smiles "guess we have twin minds am I right?" he says and we both giggle and we both look at each other since we were so embarrassed then he gives me a quick kiss on the lips and backs up embarrassed and I look at him blushing and shocked and he blushes and I did the same thing this time he blushes red "s so see you t tomorrow" I say stuttering "yeah definatly t tomorrow totally tomorrow" he stutters back as well and we waved by and I enter and go upstairs to my room to see the girls "so are you gonna tell us what happened?" Hermione asks and I smile "he asked me to the spring dance and I said yes" I say and they jump with joy "and he kissed me it was like a quick peck on the lips" I tell them and we both smile and squeal with excitement "okay you get some sleep okay you got another hangout with him and his friends we're going too" Cho says "okay girls night" I tell them and they yell night back I grab my dinosaur patterned pajamas and go to sleep.



"we need to get out so we can finish newt Y/n and her friends" I tell them and they nod except Draco "I don't know guys I feel like she's had enough plus with her friends always being there now we're outnumbered maybe we should just be nice to them" he tells us and I glare at him "no because they beat us up sold us out to the police and got us in this stupid prison lucky tomorrow we get out and we have little gifts of our own" she says as she pulls out a pterodactyl necklace and lavender pulls out a broken piece of a charm of a dragon that's a left head Oliver pulls out the middle head with the body and Draco shows the charm for the right head "we're coming for you Y/n and we're gonna rule this world" I say and we all laugh Evilly except Draco I can tell he's pretending "HEY YOU WIERDO'S KNOCK IT OFF IT'S LIGHT OUT TIME GO TO SLEEP!" the guard yells at us "yea yea whatever let's go guys" I say as we fall asleep.


I'm being honest here I feel sorry for what I did to Y/n and her friends I grab a pen and write a warning letter to her telling her what's happening and what Nancy was planning on doing I then finish and put it in an envelope and I see a guard who was actually my friend dressed as a guard "get this to Y/n and newt tell them It's from me" I say handing him the note and he runs off in the air vent I had to tell them that I have the half soul of the right head of Ghidorah Kevin and that Oliver has the middle half Ichi and Lavender has the right head head Ni and Nancy has Rodan's soul I hope it gets to them in time I trust Aris.

(DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN well that's bad news for Y/n and newt but the question is do their friends have charms too? Is Draco on the readers and newts side? who knows btw like I said recommend stuff as a crossover just leave it in the comments anyways I'll be on outta here hope you enjoy pls vote if you want not forcing ya to just suggestion and make sure you follow someone I know make sure you follow my bestie Myranda she has some really cool stuff her profile will be on my profile page anyways see ya around VOLTRON OUT!)

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