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A melody could be heard as an owl sitting on a street sign with the words "PRIVATE DRIVE". The owl flies off into the tree line, from which a silhouette of an older-looking man with a long beard wearing strange clothes is seen. He walks past a cat that is sitting on the curb.

The Marauders cheer. "Minnie!", the Professor just sighs and shakes her head.

The man then takes a weird device and raises it in the air. He opens it, and the lights from
the lamps being summoned into the device, causing part of the street to grow dark.

The marauder and Kol gap at the device. "I want!" "No!" Immediately everyone denies.

The cat meows at him, catching his attention.

"I should have known that you would be here... Professor McGonagall."

Suddenly the cat starts moving and changed her appearance from a cat to a woman, with a pointed hat

The Mikaelson siblings and the Scooby gang, who have never seen anything like that before, look all shocked at the screen. "Wait what the heck?" Frowned Damon.

Estrella quickly explained the concept of animagus before they continued with the movies.

"Good evening, Professor Dumbledore. Are the rumours true, Albus? Do you know what they're saying? About you-know-who? Why he disappeared? About what finally stopped him?"

"He is finally gone??" Screamed James and Sirius shocked yet happier than ever before.

To say the rest of the hall, excluding the Mystic Falls gang, wasn't feeling the same thing would be a complete lie.

The Mystic Falls gang was confused about what was happening, but they stayed quiet for now.

"What they're saying, is that last night Voldemort turned up in Godric's Hollow. He went to find the Potters and that Estrella Black was with them that night. The rumour is that Estrella Black and Lily and James Potter are -are - that they're - dead."

The room froze, everyone, trying to process said information.

Klaus immediately pulled his girlfriend closer to him, while trying to suppress the tears. The one person he loved the most... the love of his life, was dead. The rest of his siblings were feeling with him, they felt sad for their brother.

"No..." Sirius shook his head. He couldn't believe he will lose both his sister and bestfriend the same night. Basically one of the most important people in his life.

Regulus and Andromeda as well looked absolutely devastated. Regulus was close to tears.

His sister, the one person that was his home, was gone. And to say that Andromeda was feeling any better, would be a lie.

The marauders quickly took James in a hug, while Lily and Estrella shared a hug.

When Dumbledore didn't say anything, Professor McGonagall knew. She gasps.

"Estrella, Lily, and James... I can't believe it... I didn't want to believe it... Oh, Albus..."

In an attempt to lighten up the mood James grinned weakly. "I knew I was your favourite."

Then Professor McGonagall continues talking.

"That's not all. They're saying he tried to kill the Potter's sons, Harry and Leo. But he couldn't. He couldn't kill these little boys. No one knows why, or how, but they're saying that when he couldn't kill Harry and Leo Potter, Voldemort's power somehow broke - and that's why he's gone."

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