Chapter 4 - The Road To Obelia

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TW: Physical, emotional, and mental abuse.

Banana Speaks: Any dialogue in Italic is spoken in Hangul(Korean language) till after the line. I don't speak the language, which is why some of the characters might seem off... I had to trust the internet for this one. Have fun!

Eunji's memories

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Eunji's memories...

Every morning I take the same bus to get to the theatre.

I turn a corner, say hi to the old man who owns a hot dog stand; he smiles back and hands me my usual order. I pay him 5 euros, even though it only costs 3.

I walk for five minutes, crossing a bridge where tourist takes multiple pictures of the tall clock tower at the end of the bridge. I pass by the main door of the theatre, and after greeting the doorman, I walk to the side door for performers-



"Can I help you with something?"


"저 영어할줄 몰라요."

What? No way..... "Hi..."

"What?! You're Korean?! Wait... yes, OF COURSE, YOU ARE!"

"I'm sorry?"

"EUNJI! You're the great dancer Lady Eunji!" she paused as if doubting herself. "You are Eunji, right?"

I collected myself; I always meet fans but not as young as her. She looks about Felix's age... or maybe younger than me by a few years?

"Yes, I am Eunji." I smiled courteously. Her face lit with joy but her eyes slowly overflowed with tears. "Ah... Um.. young miss, how can I help you? Are you alright?"

I caught her as she gently fell to the ground. The doorman saw us and offered his help. I invited her to the dressing room lobby and served her a cup of tea.

She fiddled with the cup as if to calm herself down, "Yeonkkot-cha really have a wonderful smell." She looked at me, smiling gently. "Thank you, Lady Eunji."

"Yes, they are wonderful. When I was young, the grandma in our neighbourhood would ask me to drink this tea with her before I head to rehearsals." Maybe this is a great time to ask her now. "Are you feeling better?"


"Do you mind telling me what was on your mind earlier?"


"You don't have to...."

"No... it's not that. I am afraid you will think I am dumb."

"I would never...."

"I came from Korea last month, and I have spent the past weeks looking for you."

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