Chapter 7 On the offensive P.2

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Adam tried is best to not make the skiff ride towards the target akward, but it's been years since he's even seen Teela. Well if he didn't count the evacuation, but they hadn't really talked there either. More like yelled over the chaos to learn more about the situation.

Lion-O who knew very well about the situation between them didn't say a word. He merely looked away at the passing scenery.

Frosta on the other hand was oblivious to the tension as she asked Adam questions about his strenght. She asked him if he could crush mountains. He replied that he could fairly easily move one. Which earned a stary look from the young princess. Teela rolled her eyes annoyed, she didn't understand why they brought him child along on this mission. She would only be a bother, suddenly the skiff stopped almost sending Teela sprawling. "What are you!" She started demanding, but Adam pressed a finger to his lips. He pointed forwards at a small squad of drones scanning the area.

Teela unsheated her sword ready to fight, but Adam merely drove the skiff behind the vegetation and gestured to the other to lower themselves. The four looked up at the scanning light until it dissapeared as fast as it came. Adam waited a few minutes before driving out.

"I could have gotten rid of them" grumbled Teela. "Yes" Adam conceded, "but I doubt you could have done so without it giving the alarm."

"Still doubting me Adam?" Teela bit making the prince sigh, knowing she was much too stubborn to actually listen he didn't say anything. Making the ex royal guard look smug. Frosta looked between the two confusedly, while Lion-O looked ready to trample Teela. Cringer comforted his friend by rubbing against his leg. It earned a small smile from the prince that too quickly morphed back into a neutral expression. Noticing a path that went high and checking his map, Adam swerved to the left up to a cliff. "You're going off course!" Snapped Teela "we'll have a better look from up there." Calmly shot back Adam, who was actually near the end of his ropes.

The skiff stopped near the cliff overlooking their destination. A giant barren wasteland now occupied most of the valley ahead of them. Four towers projecting a green square forcefield towering above a campsite. Using binoculars Adam saw the people going in and out of man made caves. Various excavation sites were posted all around the valley, hundreds if not thousands of people were held a blaster point.

Adam's heart clenched, this scene was all too familiar. The numbers of tyrants he came accross always made him sick, but the way Prime did it was especially despicable. He handed the binoculars to Teela and gazed down at the bumpy hill, stretching down right towards a guarded opening in the forcefield.

"This is a city wide forteress." Teela stated handing the binoculars to Lion-O. "By thundera, all those people." Breathed the magicat. "What, what's going on down there?" Frosta asked squinting her eyes at the giant cage. Lion-O gazed on helplessly as a satyr woman fell to the ground from exhaustion. Only to be flayed with an electrical whip. "What do we do Adam." He asked looking down where Adam used to be crouched. "Adam!" He yelled looking around wildly. "Down there!" Frosta exclaimed poitning down at Adam's retreating form, as he practically rolled down the dangerously abrupt hill.

"What is he doing?"

"He's going to get himself killed, as usual" Teela grounded between grounded teeth. She lept onto the skiff and took off.

"Did she just leave us behind?" Frosta asked stating the obvious. "Afraid so princess, come on we can still make it down there before they start tearing each other to shreds." Lion-O stated knowingly as he took off running. "You mean tearing the ennemies right?" Frosta asked unsuredly as she slid next to the much faster magicat. Cringer not far behind.

"I wish" huffed Lion-O as he stared at the prison. Knowing full well that this entire situation might degenerate very quickly.

Adam knew what he was doing. Ok maybe his plan was half baked, but the vegetation and the incoming vehicle were too perfect to pass on. He slid from behind a bush just in time to grab unto the belly of a hovering transport tank.

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