chapter 9 in the looking glass

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Shiro had a lot of questions, he had met Adam before. Both as He-Man and himself. The two were vastly different in term of attitude. He-Man was more vocal more enthusiastic. Meanwhile Adam was calmer more calculated and far more reserved.

The leading Paladin assumed there wasn't actually a difference between the two apart from greater freedom.

It was similar with Keith, but the difference was that Adam has parents. Both who failed to make him understand he was loved.

The black Paladin didn't want to overstep, but he wondered if he could actually help this family as well.

"Paladin." The voice of Adam next to him brought him out of his musing.

Shiro looked up at the man in question. King Randor, the typical calculative and oblivious ruler he'd seen countless time now. He didn't hate the man, but it was hard not to dislike him. Adam was such wonderful boy, how could he just overlook that?

And he wished he could tell him that without coming off strangely.

"Forgive me could you repeat yourself?"

The king's eyes shone in a predictable fire. Seeing his mere laps of attention as a great disrespect. Shiro didn't show it, but he cringed at the peeking ego of the king.

"Can you're castle ship lend us orbital cover?"

"Not without giving away its position I'm afraid." Grimly stated Shiro.

"We could each take a lion and take a hemisphere of the planet." Brightly offered Lance.

"We can't risk any of us being captured if we want to form Voltron in case of massive emergency." Keith brought up annoyed.

"He's got a point." Hunk stated patting the dejected blue paladin on the back.

"Then what do we do?!" Complained the sharpshooter "what's the point of being here with the lions and Zarkon on the horizon if we can't form Voltron."

"This is a question of Strategy Lance." Jumped in Shiro "if we are going to attack just a single front, we'll need to make sure it's a good one, every attack leaves one side open to a counter; it's why our forces are spread so thin, we can't afford such a massive counter attack to work."

"So Zarkon, Horde Prime, Skeletor and Mum-Ra. Is there any other genocidal warlord headed our way?"

"Not that we know of." Piped up Adam "although I don't doubt someone will try to fill the power vacuum once any of these people are dead, any idea why Zarkon is taking a careful approach to us?"

Shiro thoughtfully held his chin. "If there's any reason I'm guessing he just doesn't want to share power. After all he's had a grip on half a galaxy for ten thousand years. He probably views the others as competition whom will eventually self destruct."

"If only." Sighed Adam "while his ego is of considerable size my uncle is no fool." A smirk grew on his lips.

"After the ass whooping I gave him he'll be even more on his guard. What kind of twisted trick he had in mind I can only wonder."

The queen flicked his ear for the bad language. Giving Shiro a hard time not to chuckle.

Before he could put another word in a guard burst in. Claiming that a village had reached out for them.

Adam and Adora nodded at each other. Already heading out without even consulting the rest of them.

Shiro could understand, there was only so much talking they could do. It was a time for actions.

He gave Keith a pointed look and tilted his head in the general direction of the siblings. The red Paladin nodded back and ran after them. Lion-O not too far behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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