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Khalia 'Noami Shelton
Chicago, Illinois 📍

Arriving to our destination I parked the car and looked in the back seat at Amelia.

"How ima fend for everybody if I don't have my powers." I spoke silently to myself.

For me to be so mature, this was the dumbest decision I had made aside from my past mistakes.

I leaned back against the head rest and closed my eyes.

If I could go back to before I made this decision I would, I thought making this decision would take targets off my back .. but it seems I'm more valuable when I'm helpless.

"The thing is you not pose to fend for me, I'm pose to protect you! With or without powers. That's my job." Amelia croaked out with a raspy voice.

"Seems like the more you try and be the protector the more bad things happen, maybe it's best you don't have your powers. Let me be the protector from now on." She added on.

"I just can't sit back and watch all this unfold before my eyes and not do anything." I reply.

"But now you have no choice, you're powerless. This could have been over, but you just can't sit in the sidelines and allow me to fix shit now can you?" She asks.

I just sat and listened.

"You really expect me to just sit and let you handled shit knowing I got powers that can help? Not only that it's not just me that needed protecting this whole time I had a child, I was doing what I thought was best to keep her out of harms way Amelia, you can't blame me for the things I have done." I spoke.

"I don't blame you, but I'm telling you now. It's out of your hands let me handle the rest." She says as she climbed into the passenger seat and snapped her seatbelt in.

I started the car back up as silence filled the car, I know at times I can go over broad when it comes to taking matters into my own hands but, what do you expect when all that's around you is drama and evil shit popping up out of the blue? Not only that secrets were just unfolding before our eyes I couldn't just sit back and not do anything.

She still thought I was gonna be helpless, it's never been in me to do so. Before she was placed into my life I was handling shit without even knowing about my powers and I tend to do the same. At the end of the day this shit affected me more than anybody because it all involved me.

Honestly, there was no escaping the drama. I could run all I wanted but what would it do? They wanted me to fight back so I'm willing to do just that so I can protect my family.

It's never been in me to just allow somebody else to protect me knowing I had shit on the line, they needed to fend off of the helpless and that's never been me. Just can't sit back with my feet up and let her take care of me especially when she was attacked. I had to think of some quick, shit was getting closer and closer to unfolding badly before our eyes and I could feel it.

My mind was everywhere, my life had transitioned mighty quickly .. everything was happening way to fast for my liking and honestly I don't think it'll get any better.

I laid my head against the seat as I thought back to when times were simple, back to when my cousin wig flew off and my mom had us chase after it, back to when I was getting lied to about who I really was. So many loses yet I was so happy.

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