A Tale of 2 Sisters

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This story actually starts before Twilight was born, with the birth of a pink earth pony with a pink and purple mane named Diamond Tiara. Princess Diamond tiara was the first born of Queen Cadence and King Shining Armor of the crystal empire. She was a lovely filly, and was caring and gentle as well. She was a bit full of herself, but nothing too bad. People were suprised when they discovered she was an earth pony, and not a unicorn or alicorn like her parents. Once she got her cutie mark, she discovered she had leadership qualities. The 5 yr old filly was overjoyed when she learned she would be having a little sister. When Princess Twilight Sparkle was born, Diamond was overjoyed. She bounced up and down and cooed at the newborn foal. Twilight was a unicorn, which made people notice her horn was closer to the size of a teenager than an infant, which made people talk. This made diamond frown, though she  wasn't quite sure why.

By the time Twilight was 5, everyone heard how she learned spells adults had trouble doing. Diamond loved her little sister, and spent time with her whenever she could. But sometimes, she felt like people loved Twilight more than they loved her. She tried to get rid of the bitterness in her heart, but there it remained. The tiny happy unicorn's best friend was a shy pegasus named Fluttershy. Twilight loved Fluttershy's connection with the animals, and how she spread kindness everywhere she went. One fateful day, Twilight and Fluttershy were playing in a field when the buttercream pegasus saw a little bird about to fall off a cliff. She flew to help it, but her wings were not strong enough and she and the chick started to fall. When Twilight saw, she was terrified, but called on her magic to save her friend and the baby bird. She managed to bring Fluttershy and the bird to safety, and was then encased in a violet aura, being lifted off the ground as Fluttershy watched. When she came down again, she had a 6 pointed star cutie mark, which she reconized as the element of magic symbol. When she stood up, Fluttershy watched dumbfounded as the now alicorn spread out a set of wings. Fluttershy almost fainted in shock, but the as stunned Twilight caught her.

Word began to spread all over the empire that the youngest princess had become an alicorn, soon it was all anyone could talk about. Diamond Tiara found herself getting angry, she still loved her sister, but didn't understand why she was getting so much attention from everyone. She started to wonder if she was better than the alicorn filly, she reconized that as nonsense and filed that thought to the back of her head, but the question still remained. Twilight's favorite place was the library, and she spent much of her time studying there. She loved her mother, father, and her older sister, though she noticed Diamond seemed a bit distant lately, she still loved her more then anyone in the world, after she had saved Fluttershy, the woodland creatures decided they owed Twilight and began following her around, despite the filly repeatedly saying they didn't owe her anything. Soon, they simply hung around her because they liked her, and the young alicorn found she liked they're company as well.  Diamond watched her sister sadly, she wished animals would like her in the way her sister, but her biggest problem was magic. Being an earth pony, she couldn't cast spells or fly, and her baby sister could do both! She was also adored by the people, and Diamond felt a small seed of resentment enter her heart.

When Diamond turned 13, her parents gave her a mirror that had a colt inside it, though they didn't know this. Diamond loved the mirror and found her greed taking control of her. There were times when her little sister agreviated her and she soon believed she hated her, though Twilight still loved her sister. The colt in the mirror, Pip, had unlimited information, but was trapped. With Pip's help, Diamond was able to do sorcery that wouldn't have been imagined for an earth pony, but it was dark, black magic that corupted her further. She discovered a spell to free Pip, which is why she had started in the first place, but by this point did not use it, prefering to keep her unlimited source of info trapped in the mirror. Pip became very terrified of this now dark pony, but was forbidden to say anything. By the time Diamond Tiara was 15, her parents mysteriously disappeared and she took the throne, the earth pony now consumed with nothing but hatred for her younger sister. Ten year old Twilight couldn't bring herself to hate Diamond Tiara, and simply wondered where her sister had gone. Pip became very fasinated with Twilight, as he reminded him of the girl he had a crush on to this day, which only fooled diamonds fire. Determined to get rid of everything from her past life and turned Twilight into a slave, making her wear rags and forcing her to work. She also made the filly cover up her wings, hoping people would forget their youngest princess was an alicorn. And they did, almost. That was Twilight's life until she was almost 15 years old, but soon, things would change.

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