New Friends And A Mystery

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In a castle in the crystal empire in the queens private room, said queen was sitting in front of her mirror awaiting news. "Pip!" Diamond called, for said colt was hiding in his mirror, not wanting to talk to the frightening pony. However, he eventually showed himself nervously, "What do you w.want to know?" Pip asked, shaking. "Who is supreme in the land?" Pip didn't really want to answer that question, he didn't like the queen. She could have set him free years ago, but refused to, and he actually liked Twilight Sparkle. But the child eventually said, "You are cruel and rule with fear, and this will never do. Twilight is is kind and draws people near, she will win them from you." This made diamond very angry and began scheming ways to get rid of her sister she had once loved.

Twilight was hard at work washing the steps when she saw a wishing well and started giggling, seeing many doves had gathered on it watching her. Twilight was an avid reader, and often her books had happy endings, the filly began to think about her own story, and decided to sing her thoughts to the doves.

Twilight: Want to know a secret?

Promise not to tell?
We are standing by a wishing well

Make a wish into the well
That's all you have to do
And if you hear it echoing
Your wish will soon come true.

I'm wishing

Echo: (I'm wishing)

Twilight: For the one I love

To return

Echo: (To return)

Twilight: to me

Echo: (to me)

Twilight: I'm hoping

Echo: (I'm hoping)

Twilight: And I'm dreaming of

my sister

Echo: (my sister)

Twilight: I'll see

Echo: (I'll see)

A young colt heard the lovely voice and trotted over to hear more, glimpsing the lovely lavender filly but not wanting to startle her.

Twilight: Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah

Echo: (Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah)

Twilight:  I'm wishing

Echo: (I'm wishing)

Twilight: for my sister dear

to love me

Echo: (to love me)

Twilight: Today

Twilight finished her song and sat down on the step, but startled at a voice. "What a lovely song," the voice said, making Twilight blush in spite of herself. When the filly saw the figure clearly, she realized it was a pegasus colt her age. "What's you're name?" Twilight asked. "Flash sentry," the colt answered, what's yours?" Twilight looked the ground and then back at flash, she was about to tell him her name, but stopped because she didn't want him to act differently around her because of it and so abreviated her name. "My name's Twily," the young alicorn said, and saw Flash seemed to like the name. She didn't know Flash was hiding he was a prince too. "Why are you here?" She asked, and Flash responded somberly, "My little brother disappeared 7 yrs ago and we can't find him. We believe he was cursed by a changling in our kingdom, but he seems to have vanished." The colt then cradled his head in his hooves, sinking down to the ground. Twilight felt bad for Flash, she knew what it was like to lose a sibling after all. Flash continued his story, " The only one who took it as hard as I did was Applebloom, who was Pip's best friend and had a crush on him to. She ran off a couple years ago to look for him and we haven't seen her since. I miss him so much and somepony said they saw a colt who matched his description here, but I haven't been having any luck." Flash finally seemed to wilt, and Twilight put a comforting hoof on his shoulder. Flash offered to help Twilight with the rest of her chores, and then the 2 went to the library together, looking up books to search for Pip.

Diamond Tiara called a firey haired unicorn with a sun cutie mark to the palace, she was named Sunset Shimmer. Sunset looked nervously around the palace, not wanting to be there any longer than she had to be. When she saw Diamond Tiara, the pony drew in a sharp breath. When Sunset heard the queens orders, she was flabbergasted, Queen Diamond Tiara expected her to take Twilight to the woods and kill her! Sunset glared at the queen venemously. Twilight and her studied together when they were younger and were becoming very good friends. She was one of the few people who still knew Twilight was an alicorn. Diamond Tiara tried many tactics, first attempting to bribe her, and then threatening her baby brother Sunburst. Sunset soon had an idea that might save herself, Sunburst, and Twilight.

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