Into The Woods

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Twilight left the library and said goodbye to Flash, hurrying back to the palace before she got in major trouble. The filly asked her sister sweetly,"What do I need to do?" But she was suprised when Diamond Tiara had no chores for her to do, and put her in a magnificent lavender dress, with holes for her wings, so she wouldn't have to hide anymore. Twilight was overjoyed her sister was returning to her! She nuzzled Diamond lovingly, who nuzzled back, and Twilight didn't even notice it was stiff and forced. Diamond told her sister, "Sunset is coming to spend some time with you today." Twilight bounced around and kicked her back legs, happily twirling around. 

Twilight skipped happily out of the palace with her friend Sunset Shimmer. "Where are we going?" The filly asked her friend. "Twilight thought she heard Sunset gulp, but was probably just imagining it. "How about the everfree forest?" Twilight could tell her friend's voice was shaky, but believed she was just afraid. Twilight was a very logical pony, but also a very curious one, which is how they ended up in the everfree forest. Twilight buzzed around happily, exploring every inch of this new place though she noticed Sunset seemed troubled. After they had gone far into the forest, Sunset stopped Twilight. "Are you okay?" The alicorn asked. Sunset shook her head. "The queen wanted me to kill you and bring her back your wings!" Twilight skittered nervously, "but you aren't, right?" Sunset rolled her eyes, "of course not! Now hold still so I can duplicate your wings. Sunset wasn't sure she would be able to complete the spell, but Twilight added her on magic to the mix, and soon there was a pair of lavender wings that looked exactly like Twilight's lying on the forest floor. Sunset then touched her horn to Twilight's and a bright glow shown. "That will help you find safety and hide you from the queen." Twilight looked at her friend one last time, and then took to the air, traveling farther into the forest than she'd ever gone. 

Sunset returned to the palace and tried not to punch the smug look on diamond Tiara's face when she opened the box with the duplicate wings. Sunset then left with Sunburst just in case the queen got any idea's. Diamond then went to brag to her mirror. Pip saw twilight was alive and attempted to leave but Diamond made him stay. "You see more than your letting on. Is my sister alive?" Pip wanted to say no, but he was cursed to tell the truth. "She is," he said defeated, and watched the queen explode with anger. "WHERE IS SHE?" Pip sighed, Sunset's spell blocked Diamond from seeing Twilight, but not Pip. "In a small cottage, deep within the everfree forest." The colt replied, his voice shaking badly. Diamond's anger got the best of her and she put together a plan to get rid of her sister.

Twilight's wings had grown tired and she was now running through the forest sobbing. All she wanted was her parents and her sister back! However she knew she would return to help her sister, just not today. She began singing mournfully.

Twilight: I have to find a way

To make this all okay
I can't believe this small mistake
Could've caused so much heartache

Oh why, oh why?

Something is wrong, it's plain to see
This isn't how it's meant to be
And you can't see it like I do
It's not the life that's meant for you

Oh why, oh why?

Losing promise, I don't know what to do
Seeking answers, I fear I won't get through to you

I'll try
And I'll try

Twilight realized her horn was leading her somewhere and followed it to a small cottage deep in the woods. Looking around, the filly realized the place was quite messy and disorganized, being a pony of orderlieness and organization, the filly took it upon herself to clean the place up. The animals who and been following her and doing their best to protect her from danger offered to help, making the purple filly grin. She was really worried about her sister, and thought if she cleaned the place up, the inhabitants might let her stay for the night.

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