An Act Of True Love

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At the castle, Diamond Tiara was angrily ripping through the books in the library while Sunset, Applebloom, Pip, Apple Jack, Flash, and Sunburst watched in fear. Diamond finally stopped rushing and started looking a large book she had found. Sunset read the cover, ¨Cures to magical poisons and curses.¨ Everyone but Diamond shuddered, who was still reading intently. Watching her, the group watched her look excited, then disapointed and then confused. They wondered what she was reading. ¨Um,¨ Pip asked, afraid to speak up, ¨what does it say?¨ Diamond finally turned to the group seriously. ¨The book says the curse of the death like sleep can only be cured by an act of true love, but I'm not sure what that means.¨ Sunburst started, I've read many books on True love, and it might to refer to true love's kiss.¨ Diamond was pretty skeptical though, she had read almost as many books as her sister, and had never gotten confermation there was such a thing as true love. ¨Are you sure?¨ The earth pony asked. ¨Pretty sure,¨ Sunburst responded. ¨Yeah¨ said Applebloom, I didn't believe in true love till I met Pip.¨ And to prove it, began to sing.

Applebloom: I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss

And a prince I'm hoping comes with this

That's what brings ever-aftering so happy

And that's the reason we need lips so much
For lips are the only things that touch
So to spend a life of endless bliss
Just find who you love through true love's kiss

And that's the reason we need lips so much

For lips are the only things that touch
So to spend a life of endless bliss
Just find who you love through true love's kiss

Pip blushed and everyone just stared, but Diamond who looked ready to strangle the younger earth pony. ¨HOW IN EQUESTRIA DOES SINGING HELP MY SISTER!!¨ She shouted. Once that had been calmed down, Diamond frowned again, ¨but Twi doesn't have a true love.¨ She started to sink into despair again, it all just seemed hopeless! Flash then stepped up, ¨Diamond,¨ he offered, ¨Your sister is amazing and I think I might love her, then her stepped back. Hoping that he wouldn't be blasted to dust by a protective older sister. But Diamond was simply delighted, maybe there was hope after all! ¨Then Applebloom and Apple Jack can lead us to the cottage and if you can save my sister, you will have my everlasting gratitude. So it was decided and off they went. Meanwhile, 5 little ponies looked down morosely at a young alicorn so near death.

They all worked on a funeral cerimony. Sweetie Bell led the funeral march, making the mood as solomn as they felt. Rarity prepared an entire wardrobe of black mourning clothes for all of them, Pinkie's curly mane and tail went flat and she now looked grey. Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash made sure the day was as rainy and gloomy as they could make it, No one felt right without her. As the five started to build a grave, 7 ponies ran up including, the Queen! all 5 of them stood protectively in front of the unconcious Twilight, but Diamond was done with this. ¨MOVE SO I CAN SAVE MY SISTER!¨ The ponies moved rather reluctantly, and Diamond beckoned Flash forward. Flash walked over to the sleeping princess and gave her a soft kiss on the lips, But nothing happened. Everypony was desolate, and Diamond walked over to her sister. She wanted to say goodbye before the filly was buried. ¨Twilight,¨ She started. ¨You'll never know how much you mean to me. ¨When you were born, all I thought about was how I would love you forever. But I hurt you badly, I promised I would protect you forever, and I broke that promise. You deserve a much better sister than me. You were better than me in every way, Kinder, more compasionate, more intellegent, and I hated you for it. You are the best thing to happen to me! Diamond then began to sing.

Diamond: I remember your bare hooves, down the hallway

I remember your little laugh
Spell books on the kitchen floor, so much more and more
I love you to the moon and back
I remember your violet eyes, looking into mine
Like we had our own secret club
I remember you dancing before bedtime
Then jumping on me, waking me up

I can still feel you hold my hand, little mare
And even the moment I knew
You fought it hard like an army guy
Remember I, leaned in and whispered to you

Come on, filly, with me, we're gonna fly away from here
You were my best 15 years

I remember the ride home
When the blind hope, turned to crying and screaming, "Why?"
Flowers pile up in the worst way, no one knows what to say
About a beautiful foal who died

And it's about to be Hearth's warming eve
You could have anything you wanted if you were still here
I remember the last day when I kissed your face
And whispered in your ear

Come on, filly, with me, we're gonna fly away from here
Come on, filly, with me, we're gonna fly away from here
You were my best 15 years

What if I'm standing in your closet trying to talk to you?
And what if I kept the hand-me-downs you won't grow into?
And what if I really thought some miracle would see us through?
What if the miracle was even getting one moment with you?

Come on, filly, with me, we're gonna fly away from here

Come on, filly, with me, we're gonna fly away from here
You were my best 15 years

I remember your bare hooves, down the hallway
I love you to the moon and back

And then Diamond just burst into tears and everypony followed suit. Out of the corner of her eye, Diamond spotted a bandit shoot an arrow at her sister and threw her body in the way. All there were shocked, but then Diamond and the unconcious Twilight were lifted into the air and engulfed with purple light. When the 2 came down, Diamond was healed, and Twilight was awake, and very dissoriented. ¨W.what happened? All I remember was eating that apple and then...¨ She turned to Diamond with a forming grin. ¨You saved me!¨ Diamond looked uncomfortable, ¨I'm the reason you needed saving in the first place,¨ She reminded Twilight.

After that, Twilight's parents returned and explained they had left so Diamond could learn the conciquences of using dark magic, which doesn't seem very smart to me, Twilight could have died! Diamond apologized many times over said Twi should be heir to the throne. Twilight agreed, but only under the condition that Diamond be made her royal advisor when they become queen. The kingdoms of equestria and the crystal empire were combined and the seven ponies moved to the palace. Eventually, Twilight and Flash got married and so did Pip and Applebloom. And everypony lived happily ever after!

                                                                                        THE END

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