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            ~Andrews perspective~
It's been a couple weeks since the kiss. Y/n and I decided it would be safer for them if they stayed with Tom because he knows where I live aka where y/n would be staying but when I would pick them up or at parties we would sneak off and make out. One day mid make-out Tom's best friend Haz walked in...but he was with someone... who was it I examined the familiar ringlets against Osterfeild's neck it- it was Tom he panicked and looked at Y/N "I KNEW IT WAS HIM I KNEW YOU WERE CHEATING" he yelled "OH AND NECKING WITH YOUR BEST FRIEND ISN'T" y/n yelled back "WELL YOU KNOW WHAT WE ARE THROUGH" Tom yells "OH IM SOO SAD" y/n yelled sarcastically as they grabbed my hand and stormed out "I'll be here tomorrow if you need to pick up your stuff" Haz says looking apologetic "thank you and if he ever treats you wrong text me" I respond staying calm
                       -Y/N POV-
I storm out to the car and slammed the car door I hit the dash and cried Andrew looked in my eyes "you ok?" He asked "yeah I guess" I say hyperventilating "I look like a big baby don't I" I sobbed to Andrew "no my love of course you don't" I bury my head in his chest and cry letting my tears wet his shirt. When we get there I walk into the house my fingers intertwined with Andrew's I plop down on the couch with him leaning my head on his shoulder he turns my head to him wiping my tears with the pad of his thumb "hey fuck him!" I smile giggling "what did I deserve you Andrew Russell Garfield." He pulls me into a hug I pull myself onto his lap laying on his chest. I fall asleep there.
-Andrew's POV-
I watched y/n sleep the rise and fall of their chest the way they grab on tighter to me when I start to move my arm
I wake up in bed to the smell of bacon and the sound of Andrew singing I walk into the kitchen "good morning darling how did you sleep" he says flipping a pancake effortlessly "ok." I say yawning sitting down he plops a plate with bacon,eggs and pancakes down in front of me. "What time is it" I say trying to figure out what time he wolk "like 11" Andrew responds "Damn" I say knowing that we need to pick up my stuff

«jealousy»|Andrew GarfieldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon