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-Haz's POV-
I grab the towel off the bed in the guest room and turn on the shower, strip down and hop in the hot water against my back felt nice. I haven't showered and gotten clean since I moved in with Tom he always hops in. I grabbed some weirdly expensive conditioner probably Andrew's and run it through my hair. I hear a knock at the door and a quiet "it's Y/N" I rinse the conditioner out of my hair wrap a towel around my waist and open the door "hey" I say they look at my abs for a second "we are watching a movie and ordering food wanna join?" y/n says "sure I'll be down in a second." I respond as soon as y/n walks out I drop the towel and get some of Andrew's clothes on he mostly has sweatpants. I throw a pair of sweatpants on that say 'royal central' on them and a Spider-Man shirt what a nerd. I walk downstairs to Y/N's head on Andrew's lap while Y/N is on their phone going through door dash "hey Harrison" Andrew says smiling "What do you want for dinner?" I think about it "Pizza sounds good" I say "pizza it is!" Says Andrew usually if I say pizza Tom says absolutely not and if I suggest really anything for dinner he says no
                     -Y/N's POV-
After I order dinner we decide to rent wall-e when there was a knock at the door Haz went to answer the door like he was the butler "it's ok haz I got it" says Andrew answering the door "get.Out!" Andrew yells I run to the front door "you really wanna get your ass beat Holland" I say "Haz! Hun go upstairs" I say "I'm here for Haz give him to me now" Tom asserts as if Harrison was his property "how about no." Says Andrew slamming the door Tom just knocks again "Holland I swear to god" Andrew says balling his fists "he is mine give me what belongs to me" says Tom "he's a human now go!" I say he runs off. "Hazzy you can come back down" I say locking the door "thank you guys for your kindness" Haz says "it's normal it's what friends do." Says Andrew "normal? I've only ever had Tom and Y/N and I thought Y/N was just nicer than normal" said Haz "no I'm actually one of the less good friends Andrew can vouch for this" I say "yeah..." Andrew responds,I smack his arm when the pizza shows up we eat then we finish the movie Andrew blubbering like a baby and go to bed.

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