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-Haz's POV- I wake up from my nap to Tom kissing my neck and biting my earlobes.
"Babe I just wolk up please stop..." I groan "Please..." He says palming my sweatpants less asking for consent and more inviting himself "No!" I yell and push him off "WHY CANT YOU DO ANYTHING FOR ME" I yell at him "oh so Garfield got into your head now" Tom says through gritted teeth he's already drunk I smell scotch on his breath "I'm sorry Tom" I say shrinking knowing otherwise he would hit me "that's better." He says pulling down my sweats and guiding me to his belt
-Andrew's POV-
Y/N forgot their switch so I went back to Tom's house to grab it I knock on the door "hey..." says a disheveled Haz wiping his tears "is Tom here Y/N forgot their-" I cut myself off "hey mate are you ok..." I say gently "yeah I'm fine" He says looking wearily at Tom I nod and text y/n
-Y/N's POV-
My love- I think Haz is in trouble
Me- oh no what did Tom do!! I'll kill that bitch haz deserves so much better than him
My love- I think Tom took advantage of him...
Me- I'm coming over now I'm gonna beat toms ass
I walk out to my car unlock it and get in I slam the door and step on the gas,as soon as I get there I see haz shaking and bruised being walked out to Andrew's car "that son of a bitch is in the living room drunk" Andrew snarls quiet enough so haz can't hear I walk in ready to fight but Tom already seemed a bit beat up so I started hitting him "This is for me" I say throwing one punch "this is for making people think your a good person" I say throwing the next "this is for haz" I throw an especially hard punch making toms lip bleed I walk back to my car Andrew and Haz were already gone I wiped the blood off my knuckles now white from my grip on the steering wheel I step on the gas before the cops show up. I show up Andrew's house with coffee and a hug for haz "it's ok hun" I comfort him "Did you get a hit in" I said to haz pulling away from the hug "yeah" he said with a smile "babe your eye" I say to Andrew cupping his cheek in my hand moving the ice a bit "Worth it." He said smiling lightly. "Well Haz I know how it feels taking a shower in the same house as Tom and you smell fresh there's towels in the guest room" I say with a smile "thanks guys" Haz said "when I left I made a promise" says the kind and considerate love of my life.

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