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Sophie sat across the windowsill on a chair she had dragged there the day she read that blasted letter. In one hand was a pencil tapping on a plain piece of paper on her lap, with a folder behind it.

She waited for the sun to set, for her only companion during the past three weeks to emerge.

The moon.

Before she knew it, she had a terrible sketch of Keefe Sencen, and it was midnight.

"Hey" she whispered, her voice hoarse. She cleared her throat

"Keefe. Come back."

She slumped back.

"Come one, Keefe. You have to come. I can't do it without you"

She looked at her horrible sketch.

"You know, I never noticed way too much."

"You always said too much.  Your eyes gave away too much emotion."

(Y'all ready for it?)

"You meant what you said that day in the exilium hut. And I'm so glad to be your friend. To be close enough to know. I have no clue why you trusted me, but I'm so glad you gave me a chance to try to meld those shattered parts of your heart together. I'm sorry I couldn't hug them tighter."

(Did I get yall?)

"And I'm sorry I dragged you into this mess. I'm sorry you found yourself talking to me of all people."

She leaned forward and pressed her forehead against the glass.

"I can't just wait for you to realize what we need you. Knowing you, that's never, but Keefe."

Her voice cracked, and her breath had already fogged up the glass. She used her sleeve to wipe it off.

"For the love of all things good, just come home"

Edaline knocked at her door

"Honey, I conjured you something to eat. Can you please come out though? Your friends are worried."

"Please come home" she whispered before turning to her nightstand, grabbing her midnight snack, and walking over to the door.

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