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Listen, I know I might give someone a heart attack, but unless a dagger stabbing a treehouse or Biana feeling angry needs a trigger warning, I think we're all good.

She sat in front of her mirror, trying to convince herself to go downstairs. Slowly, she stood up, walking to the bathroom mirror. 

She knew it wasn't nessacary to pretend, but something about her last name pressed her into an awkward position.

God knew she loved Keefe platonically more than her own brother, but sometimes he does the dumbest crap-

She was mad at him, she knew that full well. 

But she had to sit down. She had to act sad, because that was her role in the elves' twister rule. No matter how hard she tried to break away from it, her stupid parentage stopped her from being able to do anything.

She walked to the cabinet next to the mirror, painting herself something new.

Now she looked like she'd been crying in her makeup, although she wasn't sure if she needed to draw that on. She could have full-blown well just summoned her tears right then.

And she walked to her brothers' room, and she knocked on the door, and she found him screaming, and she brought him to his bed, but her brain had floated away until he mentioned the bastard who'd left her in the dumb grief loop.

She whispered what she knew was expected. She let him fall asleep, just as she knew was expected. She tucked him in, just as she knew was expected. All the while, she felt like shaking him awake and convincing him to do something about Keefe, but she stayed quiet, just as she knew was expected.

She was an expert in expectations at this point.

Walking back to her room, she started moving her hand, more out of nervous energy than anything. She paced her room, desperate to do something productive, but she stayed trapped in the cursed 4 walls of her room, because, well, expectations.

And she was darn ready to stab something.

But she calmed herself down. She'd seen her brother when he was angry, she didn't need that now.

But something deep down told her that it was different. Her brothers' anger was a destructive force, not to be disturbed. Her anger?

Well, sometimes that was the only thing that motivated her to get up in the morning. Her anger was more of a demand of change, not to be denied.

"A demand of change" Her voice started as a quiet whisper, but she quickly raised it. No expectations were there to stop her here; it was quite late in the night.

"Do you want to know what I'm demanding?" she wasn't quite sure who she was talking to. Perhaps it was Keefe. Perhaps it was all the people who idolized her. Perhaps she was talking to the whole flipping world. But she wasn't going to stop talking now.

"I'm demanding justice. Maybe you don't get this because you aren't a kid anymore, but the amount of growing up I had to do in the past couple years? I swear to god, I've been waiting for a grey hair to pop up, and that's a human thing"

She was feeling especially violent at that moment, so she burst through the balcony door, walking down the stairs.

And so she was running to her little cove, murmuring curses at the world.

She reached her treehouse. The one she'd built with Alvar. She found her basket of daggers, carefully selecting one.

She turned to the already stabbed floor. She stood up, because she was feeling especially angry, and adjusted her grip on the handle.

Then she drove it straight into the wall. It made a satisfying sound, and she did it again and again and again.

"This one is for pushing him" She threw her dagger at the wall.

"This one's for hurting him" She threw another dagger at the wall

"And this one is for thinking that you're so arrogant and mighty and ridiculously entitled"

She knew she was being dumb. The world wasn't going to change for her best friend, and she shouldn't do this, but she needed to get something out, and if it wasn't in front of people, it was here.

She was ashamed to admit it, but she really was thinking about Keefe's father, not just the generic world. She knew tomorrow she would feel guilty as heck, but at the moment, she couldn't be bothered to care.

Climbing onto the top of the treehouse, she looked at the canopy of leaves and the occasional star's light that made it through.

"You know, I really want to chase you down." She said, almost conversationally, as if it was something she wasn't concerned about

"Keefe, the reach of the mental damage you, for lack of a better word, inflicted on us? I don't think you realize how much it hurts."

She started playing with the tips of her hair

"And I'm so freaking mad at you, but I don't blame you, because there is a difference,"

She took a deep breath

"Everyone's trying to cope somehow, you know that? They all refuse to get together and do something and it's making me ready to track you down myself. I mean, what were you thinking? "

"God dang it, Keefe, I didn't want to admit this, but here I am"

She moved into a sitting position

"I sort of blame your dad. I mean, what kind of sick bastard pushes their child to that-"

She stopped because she was being sort of hypocritical

"You know, you didn't see it, but things aren't all perfect in Vackerland. And I don't mean that our parents have been hiding things from each other since I was 2 and that my brother's a first-grade rage monster, but sometimes I want to just leave the pressure behind. I mean, I'm basically a symbol for soft sweet girly girls, but I swear, half the time I'm tempted to wear combat boots to, well, everywhere."

She glared at the sky, eyes fixed on the moon. At least that was the one thing that would stay the same for both of them

"But it's okay. You don't have to understand. You just have to come back, okay? And I swear, if you don't, I'm going to hunt you down and drag you back by your ears. I can promise you that much. Understood?"

She felt silly, like a child again, talking to the moon. Quietly, she returned to her room.

But she meant everything she said that night, and she sure as heck planned on acting on it.

Okay, i gotta go soon, but 1000 something words? Okay then? I love biana,though, so that's a given.

It sort of disappointing i didn't have more for sophie, but whatever. 

Also sorry its been forever since I've updated, but I'm doing this daily request thing, so check out my conversations page at some point

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