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Linh looked around her room. She just couldn't face Glimmer right then, so she stayed. but the memories were still haunting her

She looked at her window. The one thing about the room she liked.

"Keefe" she whispered

"Listen, I never knew you well. You were just another person Sophie introduced me to. Another friend. But for her sake, come back. She hasn't come out of her room for 3 weeks."

she turned around, and brought her back to the glass, surveying the room

"You know, you and Tam are identical in many ways. I wish I could have helped you the way I helped him."

The glass was cool on her back

"You seemed more-"

She paused

"More willing to try. You were desperate for something to keep you tethered."

She looked at the "family" photo on the dresser

"You know, he feels bad about everything. His mind might break. I need you to come back. That may be selfish of me, but Keefe, I honestly can't manage without him"

Her voice cracked

"It's like losing him to the Neverseen all over again. Except for this time he's right in front of me."

She shivered but didn't dare leave the windowsill.

"I didn't realize how much we needed you until you up and left"

she grabbed a strand of hair and twirled it around her finger.

"Why did you leave? I mean, Sophie's powerful, and we all know that she is stressed. If she hurt one of us, especially you, she wouldn't be able to take it."

She turned and talked to the glass

"Keefe, please." 

"Come back" her voice cracked

"Come back"

Talking to the Moon(KOTLC)Where stories live. Discover now