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As the sun set, Tam sighed.

He was getting guiltier every day, but couldn't find it in him to stop.

Before he knew it, the entire house was quiet, and the moon had risen.

"Listing you idiot," Tam said glaring at the moon

"You left all of us like the traitor you are. And yet, I'm the one feeling guilty."

His voice cracked

"I'm sorry, Okay? I'm sorry I couldn't fight the bonds, and I'm sorry I wasn't nicer, And I'm sorry I never apologized, and I'm sorry I insulted you, and I'm sorry we were enemies"

"I have so many apologies to give you, and it's not often I say that, so you better get your sorry butt down here and accept them, or else" he let out one silent sob that shook his body

"We all miss you, okay? And believe me, I know how hard it is to believe that, but trust me, we do. Sophie's locked herself in her room, Linh is coming over every other day, Dex disappeared in his house for a while, and now he's trying to take your place as the jokester. But no one could fill that spot just right. Biana and Dex are trying their best to get Sophie to open her door, and Marella's been organizing shifts twice every day to try to get through to Sophie"

So let out another silent sob

"So we need you, you blond idiot. We need you and stupid hair and your stupid jokes and your stupid inflated ego."

He took a deep breath

"And I need to apologize to you, Keefe."

Talking to the Moon(KOTLC)Where stories live. Discover now