Chapter 3: Dragon's Tears

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Next day after Amber's Hangout Event... Mondstadt, near Goth Grand Hotel.

After their tour in Mondstadt city, the siblings decide to show what they had found before meeting with Amber for the first time. As they are on their way to the Knights of Favonius Headquarters. They hear the familiar voice from a far.

Lumine: Wait! Aether. I heard something..

Aether: Huh?

As they look further, they notice the Acting Grand Master who is now talking with another person. Lumine pulls her brother's arm to stop so they don't disturb them.

Paimon: Isn't that Jean?

Lumine: Yes.. Obviously.

Paimon: Let's let her finish, then go say hi?

Aether: Sure.. But who is she?

Paimon: Hm..

They all look at the person Jean is talking to.. A woman with unfamiliar outfit and a masquerade mask.

Aether: She looks suspicious at first sight. Don't you think?

Lumine: Not sure.. Looks like she isn't from Mondstadt.

Feeling a bit unease, they decided to eavesdrop them in the middle of their conversation from a distance behind the wall.

Anastasia: ...Which is what has brought us to this point in the first place. If you unable to promptly deal with the Stormterror threat, then leave the defense of Mondstadt to the Fatui. All we need to do is bring that monster to the-

The Acting Grand Master cuts off her sentence. Annoyed by how she described the Stormterror, but still maintaining her professional side.

Jean: "Monster"?

The unfamiliar woman rolls her eyes. Knowing that Jean will retaliates back with her words.

Anastasia: Yes. What's your point?

Jean crosses her arms.

Jean: I expect a more professional attitude from your diplomats. Yet here you are saying you want to "put an end" to one of The Four Winds of Mondstadt? I won't have any of this nonsense in front of Knights of Favonius.

The woman scoffs casually.

Anastasia: It's not as crazy as you make it sound. But fine, that's enough negotiation for today. At this stage it's simply... An amicable exchange of constructive opinion, no? I'll be sure to make... Thorough notes..

The woman then return back to the Goth Grand Hotel, guarded by someone with similar outfit as the woman. The siblings then show up to the Acting Grand Master.

Jean: Oh.. You're back.

Aether: Is something wrong? You look worried.

The Dandelion Knight sighs..

Jean: *sigh* The pressure from the delegation has become to big to be ignored.

Paimon: Delegation? From Liyue Harbor or Inazuma City?

Jean: Snezhnaya. They choose to follow the God of Cryo. Their envoys go by a particular name: The Fatui. Heard of them?

The siblings shake their head honestly. Then, Paimon explains it to them.

Paimon: The Fatui is an organization from the region called "Snezhnaya". They are not only super famous, but also infamous for all other 6 nations.

Aether: Sounds dangerous..

Lumine: ...

Jean: Anyway, I don't think killing one of the protectors is the right course of action.

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