0.6 disney

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"C'mon, we only have a week before you go on your quest." Will pouted. Nico glanced up from the laptop and stifled a smile at how cute he looked.

"Why would I want to watch Disney movies? They're just sappy with bad acting." Nico rolled his eyes and shifted his head up which was resting on Will's chest.

"But that's why everyone likes them."

"Not me."

"You're just trying to act tough." Will giggled and placed a small kiss on Nico's head.

"Okay, okay, but I get to choose." Nico huffed a little, his cheeks turning light pink. Even after they'd been officially dating for three months, Nico still hadn't gotten used to all the physical contact.

"How about this one? Doesn't look as bad as the others." Nico pointed at one of the movie covers and concentrated hard until he was able to read it. "Big Hero 6."

"The one with the big white marshmallow lookalike?"


"Okay then."

About twenty minutes into the movie, after the older brother died, Will felt his shirt get a damp spot in it. He frowned and furrowed his brows in confusion. Will was about to mention it to Nico, turning to look at the smaller boy, before he noticed the familiar glimmer in his eyes.

"Nico, are you.. crying?"

"What? No!" Nico immediately said and turned out to discreetly wipe his eyes but wasn't that successful. "I wouldn't cry over a dumb Disney movie. My eyes are just itchy."

"You're so cute!" Will squealed and flipped them over, hugging Nico as tight as he could.

"Get off me, you idiot." Nico tried to push him off but caved in in a matter of seconds.

"You're the most adorable person I've ever met, sunshine!" Will coed, still hugging Nico.

"I'm not adorable or cute, can we continue watching the damn movie?" Nico muttered into Will's shoulder, secretly enjoying the position.

"Yes you are, and yes we can." Will placed a kiss on Nico's cheek and pressed play again.

"This never happened."

"Whatever you say, sweetheart."

"Will?" Nico suddenly murmured, looking up at the blonde haired boy.

"Yeah?" Will's eyes flickered between the screen and Nico's face, finally settling on Nico.

"I love you."

"I love you too, sunshine, more than anything."


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