Chapter Seven

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Watching Kylo from afar seemed to be the best move given everything going on now with the spy, the scavenger girl whom seems far more important than once was promised otherwise. Merely from eavesdropping, I've learned her name is Rey and she's part of a group called the resistance, their objective is to stop the first order, to bring peace back to the galaxy.

If I'm being totally honest with myself I'd say she has a point, of course, I love Kylo and he loves the Darkside but only not so long ago I had him right at the edge, right there ready to leave the darkness behind him forever. Had I known about this group, this resistance may have helped in pushing him further away from the first order, unfortunately, my death royally screwed that one up only making him sink further into the depths of darkness.

I see it on his face, each day he grows colder and colder, especially with my absence I've noticed it takes quite the toll on him. Granted I haven't been leaving him completely alone, instead of visiting him while he sleeps watching the stern look upon his face slowly relax into something few have ever been blessed to see, making sure to keep my distance so not to be sucked into any dreams.

Tonight however it seems I'm finding it much harder to stay away, something keeps drawing me closer and closer. Stepping through the veil into the dimly lit room where he stays, everything seems per usual, clothes piled onto the floor barely missing the hamper, his saber still within reach at all times, Kylo fast asleep with soft black curly hair tussled into a mess across his pillow and face. I'm

Walking lightly across the room scared to make any noise silently stopping at the foot of the bed, slowly reaching out my hand just barely brushing fingertips along the outline of feet beneath the covers. Running my fingers lightly along his frame, up the side of his thigh trailing softly along his shirtless abdomen seeing the skin on his stomach twitch beneath my ghostly touch until they slip off the curvature of his shoulder.

Sighing heavily his lips curl into a drowsy pout as he turns over onto the side facing towards me absentmindedly pulling the covers up over his body shielding himself from the presence of his past, relaxation sets back in while his hand falls against the mattress opening freely to reveal the tightly imprinted outline of my saber necklace which is now quietly falling to the floor.

Instinctively going to pick it up before realizing of course I wouldn't be able to, stopping inches from its chain suddenly and completely aware of a white illumination peeking from beyond the door across the bed. Leaving the necklace be, my attention was now fully drawn to what could be behind that door, finding it relatively easy just to pass right through the wall stopping to momentarily shake off the creepy feeling that quickly followed.

Inside everything was white, nearly blinding white, it took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust after spending so much time within the dark when they finally did my vision now faintly making out the shape of a low black pillar, slowly approaching it to find lying beneath the opened hatch was a mask somewhat similar to Kylo's only this one was mangled, crushed and even looked to have once been badly burned.

Studying the helmet when it finally clicks whom it belonged to "...Vader..." I say breathlessly into the vacant room.

Quickly glancing back to the door making sure Kylo is nowhere in sight now slowly hovering my hand over the mask instantly feeling its energy flowing heavily over the tips of my fingers, there was such a power radiating off Vader's helmet that even I could feel it from beyond the grave.

Lightly touching the corners of the mouthpiece I'd suddenly become frozen in place unable to move, my mind began to flood with images, scenes, and voices I'd never heard before.

Flashes of vibrate pastel colors, beautiful jewels, meadows, and pearls. A woman's face appeared briefly just long enough to allow me to bask in her beauty, she was smiling beneath a beautiful white lace-covered dress, hand and hand with someone young, someone who was quite handsome. They kiss before the sunset, soft slow kisses the moment capturing the romance between them, such a sight could easily bring me to tears realizing this couple had the moment that was so cruelly ripped away from me, having gotten the forever I never did.

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