It is time

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Next day

(I guess it will be today...) Childe thought in his mind.

"Hi Aether! Hi Andrew!" Childe said happily. "Hi.." Aether said. "P..papa!" Andrew said. Childe smiled at them both.
"P..apa..." Andrew reaches his hand for Childe.
"Here." Aether give Andrew to Childe. Childe carries Andrew.
"Hm.." Childe smiled at Andrew. Andrew pulls Childe's hair.
"Hey hey..ouch.."
*keep pulling*
"Andrew stop pulling his hair.."
"Andrew..that hurts..."
*eat Childe's hair*
"Oh my-"
"Andrew, don't eat my hair! My hair is not tasty.."
*stop eating* " hug..." Andrew said. Childe hugged Andrew.
"Hmm.." *smile*
"Oh..he's asleep already.." Aether said.
"That's fast.."

Childe's POV:

Andrew is now asleep...hmm..cute like his mama... Suddenly, Aether tapped my shoulder.
"Childe..." he said.
" Hm..?"
"I got something for you." he said. I was curious. What is it?
"What's that..?" I asked him.
"Here." he gave me something.
Aether just blushed.
"I-I-It's from mine..." he said nervously. I finally understand why he gave me this.
"Ooh~ I didn't that you can produce milk already~~" I smirked. (Lol cocogoat 😩) Aether's face is so red.
"I'll drink it later~"
Aether nod his head and blushed again.
"Let's bring Andrew to bed."
"Ok../// " Aether said.

We both go in my bedroom. I put Andrew on my bed.
"" Andrew is dreaming..? He holds my hand. "N..o go..." I look at him. I think he's I sit beside Andrew. "" Andrew is still dreaming. "Shh...don't worry...I'm here.." I said. "" Andrew smiled while sleeping. Hm... I smiled too.
"Good father..." Aether patted my head.
"E-Eh..///" I blushed. He patted me even more. The feeling is soft... Suddenly, Aether stopped patting me.
"Aether..pat.." I said to him.
Hmm... *smile*
" husband is getting very spoiled~" Aether said.
"H-Huh?! //////"
"I never got spoiled before... dammit../////"


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"Aether... ////"
"Hm?" he said. It is time...
"...." I took out something from my pocket.

I kneel down at Aether.
"Will you marry me..?"


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"Y....YES!" Aether cried. I smiled and hugged him.
"Oh Aether..."


Fatui Agent: "Sir Tartaglia, what are you drinking...?"
Childe: "Milk."
Fatui Agent: "Uhm..isn't milk for babies..?"
Childe: "I know. ^^"
Fatui Agent: "What milk is that...?"
Childe: "My wife's milk."
Fatui Agent: "Your what-!"
Childe: "Don't talk too loud or I'll cut your throat. ^^ Now leave me alone."
Fatui Agent: "Y-Yes, Sir Tartaglia.." 
Childe: (Aether's milk sure is tasty~)


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